• 9 years ago
In the Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC, 2 new heros were added (Nien Numb and Greedo), both with new unique emotes and hero abilities/powerups, .
The first official image for the Star Wars: Battlefront Outer Rim DLC has arrived and it features Greedo and Nien Nunb! ☛ CHEAP STAR WARS GAMES: .
Heres how Nien Nunb and Greedo works, the 2 new heroes in Star Wars: Battlefront, and also how they pair up against eachother! ☛ CHEAP STAR WARS .
Star Wars Battlefront OUTER RIM DLC TRAILER! EVERY DETAIL! Greedo, Niem Numb, NEW GAMEPLAY! Extraction Mode, Maps and Heroes! Multiplayer .


