• 8 years ago
Who said CHEST EXERCISES were only meant for men? Women are equally conscious about their body as men are. Precision is what women of today look at. It is not only about an overall workout but giving attention to each and every part of the body! Women love to practice chest exercises to give them a firm look and reduce any extra flab troubling them.

# These chest exercises are especially meant for women who want a well defined upper body:

* Dumbbell Incline Bench Press:- This exercise requires you to lie down on a bench that is inclined. Now by taking good support of the dumbbells, raise them one after the other above your chest. Then hold this position for about a second or two with your hands straight up. Then get back to the starting position by gently lowering the dumbbells. Repeat 8-10 times in a set of two.

* Butterfly Exercises:- Make yourself comfortable on the machine and make sure that your back is placed in such a way that it is lying straight down on the pad. Then hold the handles with a firm grip and make sure that the upper regions of your arms are positioned in a way that they are parallel to the floor.

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Now adjust the machine according to your comfort. Then begin squeezing your chest as you push the handles together with your hands.

Breathe out slowly during this part of the movement. Then hold this contraction for about a second or two. Get back to the starting position slowly as you breathe in until you feel that your chest muscles are fully stretched. By the end of the exercise, repeat this process for about of 8-10 times in 3 sets each for best results.

* Dumbbell decline Bench Press:- Lie down comfortably on a bench that is flat and hold one dumbbell each in the right and the left hand. Now place the dumbbells on the top of your thighs.

Make sure that your palms are facing one another. Then begin this exercise by making use of your thighs which help you in lifting the dumbbells high up. Now one at a time, lift the dumbbells so that they can be held in front of you and at shoulder width distance.

Then at the shoulder width level, rotate your wrists forward and make sure that your palms are not facing you. Keep the dumbbells as close as you can to the sides of your chest with your upper arm and forearm creating a 90 degree angle.

It is important to ensure complete control of the dumbbells during the entire workout. This will be your starting position. Now as begin to breathe out and use the muscles of your chest to push the dumbbells high up. At the top position, lock your arms and begin to lift and squeeze your chest tightly. Now remain in this position for a second and then slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
