• 16 years ago
This video released by JOIN (Job Opportunity Information Network) shows that a growing number of Canadians are being routinely shut out of the workforce. According to recent data from Statistics Canada, nearly four and a half million Canadians – one out of seven – live with a disability. Many of those people are excluded from the workforce because of misconceptions that they’re not as skilled, capable or motivated as others. This not only hurts individuals with disabilities – it hurts Canadian employers because they are neglecting a large and talented labour pool in a time when there are job shortages in many sectors.

JOIN helps people living with disabilities find work and keep it. JOIN also helps employers find the qualified, skilled people they need. JOIN and its more than 20 member agencies offer a wide range of assistance in finding a job – from creating a resume, to job searching, to getting ready for interviews. JOIN is funded by ODSP Employment Supports, part of the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. For more information visit www.joininfo.ca.


