Panama Patrol (1939)
Approved | 1h 7min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 20 March 1939 (USA)
A U.S. agent attempts to track down a spy ring working to destroy the Panama Canal.
Director: Charles Lamont
Writers: Arthur Hoerl (original screenplay), Arthur Hoerl (based on characters by)
Stars: Leon Ames, Charlotte Wynters, Adrienne Ames
Approved | 1h 7min | Action, Drama, Mystery | 20 March 1939 (USA)
A U.S. agent attempts to track down a spy ring working to destroy the Panama Canal.
Director: Charles Lamont
Writers: Arthur Hoerl (original screenplay), Arthur Hoerl (based on characters by)
Stars: Leon Ames, Charlotte Wynters, Adrienne Ames
Short filmTranscript
00:03:50No honeymoon, no marriage.
00:03:52Well, we'll leave right after the job's finished.
00:03:54No use arguing. We're still in the army.
00:03:56The quicker we get back there and find the answer, the quicker we'll get back here.
00:03:59With me, marriage and honeymoon go together.
00:04:01Not marriage and work.
00:04:02Now listen, I guess I've got something to say.
00:04:04Of course you have, darling. Come along.
00:04:07Oh, sit down, Major.
00:04:10It's a low-down trick, taking a man away from his own wedding.
00:04:12Yeah, there I was, torn between love and duty.
00:04:15With me pulling for love and the lady voting for duty.
00:04:17She escorted me here.
00:04:18Stout fellow.
00:04:19I don't think she'd appreciate that.
00:04:21You realize, of course, that this must be kept entirely confidential.
00:04:25Oh, of course.
00:04:30Probably enciphered in Japanese or Chinese.
00:04:32Can it be deciphered?
00:04:33Oh, I think so.
00:04:34We have a record of the various codes used by most of the Asiatic countries.
00:04:37One of them may have been used for this message.
00:04:39It won't take long to check.
00:04:40For some reason, the Secretary's very anxious about this.
00:04:43It was sent by the embassy of the country in question,
00:04:46addressed to its war minister in Asia.
00:04:48Well, let's hope it isn't as serious as the Secretary believes.
00:04:52I'll report just as soon as I make anything out of it.
00:04:54Oh, thanks, Major.
00:04:55Not at all.
00:05:03How do you do?
00:05:07Stop the music.
00:05:08If you can call it music, it's all off.
00:05:11Deserted at the altar, huh?
00:05:12No, only a cypher stands between us.
00:05:14Oh, that's nothing.
00:05:16Nothing? Just a couple of ahs and an oh.
00:05:18Something up, Blaine?
00:05:20Major Waring just had a call from the State Department.
00:05:22He's saved by the bell.
00:05:24I'd just like to be around today.
00:05:25You expect to get married.
00:05:27I'd like to be there, too.
00:05:28I hope not.
00:05:32I'm sorry, sir.
00:05:33What's the rush?
00:05:34Well, I was hurrying out to get some flowers for the wedding.
00:05:40Where's Murdoch?
00:05:41Left at noon.
00:05:42Hasn't returned yet.
00:05:44Then you stand by, Loring.
00:05:47Something important, Major?
00:05:50State Department code.
00:05:51I think it'll break down in Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic idiographs.
00:05:55First separate the ten-letter cypher words into the two-letter word cana.
00:05:58Then check cana with our records.
00:06:00Begin with the diplomatic codes of that country, those we've deciphered in the past.
00:06:07Yes, he's here.
00:06:08Lieutenant Murdoch on seven, Major.
00:06:13Hello, Murdoch.
00:06:14Yes, I'm busy with the State Department code.
00:06:19When did it happen?
00:06:20I was on my way back to the office.
00:06:22And I saw him climb into one of the official cars.
00:06:25You're positive he's an Oriental?
00:06:28I'll be there in 15 minutes.
00:06:29If he leaves the house, follow him and check with me later.
00:06:36Come on, Loring.
00:06:41Lane, this is important.
00:06:42But tomorrow's ours.
00:06:44But you wouldn't say positively.
00:06:45My word.
00:06:50Goodbye, honeymoon.
00:07:07I'll check with Murdoch.
00:07:08You stay in the car and we need you.
00:07:09We don't want to attract too much attention.
00:07:29He's still in the house.
00:07:31The one diagonally across the street.
00:07:33Is that he coming out now?
00:07:41I think he's wise.
00:08:02You two try the front door.
00:08:03I'll go around the back.
00:08:11Come on.
00:08:33You can use the front door, my friend,
00:08:34after you've answered a few questions.
00:08:37We'll translate that inside.
00:08:41Come in.
00:08:55Our friend very graciously invited me
00:08:56into the back door.
00:08:57I will delay you only a minute
00:08:58if you have the right answers.
00:09:00What were you doing in that car
00:09:01on the Capitol grounds this afternoon?
00:09:02Oh, come on.
00:09:03What were you doing?
00:09:04Oh, sphinx.
00:09:05Answer the question.
00:09:06I don't understand what you're saying.
00:09:09Cut out the gibberish and answer the question.
00:09:13Call Lane.
00:09:14Tell her to pick up Ollie Johnson,
00:09:15the M.I. interpreter, and bring him here.
00:09:31There's Lane now.
00:09:32Let her in, Laurie.
00:09:36Thanks, Lane.
00:09:38Johnson would like to get a few answers
00:09:39from this fellow.
00:09:40He either doesn't understand English
00:09:41or doesn't want to.
00:09:42He either doesn't understand English
00:09:43or doesn't want to.
00:10:05I shall be able to speak with him.
00:10:07His dialect is spoken in the province of Canton.
00:10:10What is it you wish to ask him?
00:10:12About what he was doing in a government car
00:10:13this afternoon on the Capitol grounds.
00:10:26Well, what does he say?
00:10:28He says that there must be a mistake,
00:10:29that he did not leave this house today.
00:10:31He's lying.
00:10:33Murdoch, are you sure this is the man?
00:10:35I'm positive.
00:10:36Ask him for his passport.
00:10:42Fooled you.
00:10:57What's he arguing about?
00:11:02He refuses to show his passport.
00:11:03I'm afraid there's little we can do with him.
00:11:05Nothing left except place him under arrest
00:11:07until he makes up his mind to talk.
00:11:12We can't let him get away with it.
00:11:14That's right.
00:11:15Don't let him get away with it.
00:11:26We won't get the answer from him.
00:11:28He's dead.
00:11:33Lauren, get around the back of the house.
00:11:40You know, this seems very strange.
00:11:42No one knew what was going on here
00:11:44except those who were right in this room.
00:11:46Yes, it does seem fantastic.
00:11:48Not a sound, and yet he was shot through the heart.
00:11:51You say he was shot?
00:11:54Well, there's no one in the house.
00:11:55Any luck?
00:11:56Not a sound of anyone.
00:11:57The back door was locked.
00:11:58Yeah, I tried it.
00:11:59There's no key on the inside of the lock.
00:12:00The door was open when I came in.
00:12:02See what you can find on the body.
00:12:05Yes, sir.
00:12:06We'll be through here in a minute
00:12:07and then we'll finish that other job.
00:12:08That job's finished.
00:12:09You found the cipher?
00:12:11It may mean more work.
00:12:13I'd take it to New York.
00:12:16Made out in the name of Tommy Young.
00:12:17That must be our unfortunate friend.
00:12:19There's no other identification.
00:12:21Certainly carried a bankroll.
00:12:24Look at this.
00:12:28A cipher.
00:12:30And short enough to be a headache.
00:12:32Well, let's go back to the office and get started on it.
00:12:34Call Everett and tell him to report here
00:12:35with Greer and Anderson.
00:12:36Give this place a thorough going over.
00:12:38Loring, you call the medical corps.
00:12:40I want an autopsy.
00:12:42Hold these for the investigation later.
00:12:44We'll drop you at the office, Johnson.
00:12:45Thanks for coming along.
00:12:46I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more service.
00:12:48That was Tommy Young's fault.
00:13:06Good work, Lane.
00:13:08Did you have Arnie Johnson
00:13:09translate those Oriel ideographs?
00:13:11Yes, I knew you wanted it
00:13:12kept within the department.
00:13:14That's right.
00:13:15Have we anything of importance on Suri?
00:13:18Only vague reports
00:13:19that he's head of their secret service in America.
00:13:21The cipher's written up.
00:13:23Did you find the key?
00:13:25Only in this respect
00:13:27that group of numbers
00:13:28two, one, three, eight, two, O
00:13:30appear three times.
00:13:32Well, we should be able to find
00:13:33a word or a phrase
00:13:34that could appear three times
00:13:35in a group of sixteen.
00:13:36Jimmy, do you think
00:13:37you can list those figures
00:13:38in numerical order?
00:13:39I sure can.
00:13:40I mean, yes, sir.
00:13:41Go to it.
00:13:46This is a translation
00:13:47of that letter the Secretary of State's office
00:13:48was worried about.
00:13:54Home Office Secretary.
00:13:56No offer such as you suggest
00:13:58concerning data on Panama Canal
00:14:00has been made to this office.
00:14:03We follow recommendation
00:14:04and place matters in the hands of Suri
00:14:06when occasion requires.
00:14:10Washington Embassy.
00:14:14That's McCotty's undersecretary.
00:14:15I know.
00:14:16We'll check on him
00:14:17just as soon as we break this cipher down.
00:14:36Look, Murdoch.
00:14:39The highest
00:14:40of the last two figures
00:14:41is forty-three.
00:14:43I'm sure that isn't an accident.
00:14:44That means something, but what?
00:14:46There's that group of three
00:14:47that I called your attention to.
00:14:49See, that must represent
00:14:50a word in common use.
00:14:52A, M, B, B
00:14:54or some such word.
00:14:56If we assume that
00:14:57and further if the list
00:14:58is in alphabetical order
00:14:59then the group
00:15:00two, one, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
00:15:05two, one, three, eight, two, oh
00:15:07comes far down in the alphabet.
00:15:09T, for instance.
00:15:10Maybe the word the.
00:15:12Now, where could we find
00:15:13a word represented
00:15:14by such an arbitrary group of figures?
00:15:18Lane, bring me the dictionary.
00:15:19Yes, sir.
00:15:26Well, that won't do.
00:15:27We'll need a book
00:15:28with probably twenty-five hundred pages in it.
00:15:29We have it.
00:15:31If the last two figures
00:15:32represent the position
00:15:33of the word on the page
00:15:34and the first four figures
00:15:35the number of the page
00:15:36it would take us through
00:15:37to twenty-three sixty-five.
00:15:39Wait a minute.
00:15:41This is a man's job.
00:15:42Jimmy, you're marvelous.
00:15:43I don't know myself lately.
00:15:44You may amount to something
00:15:45after all.
00:15:46Hey, you know,
00:15:47I'm beginning to like work.
00:15:48No, I do believe in miracles.
00:15:52turn to page twenty-one thirty-eight
00:15:54and look up the twentieth word.
00:15:57Lane, you check the board.
00:16:04V is the word.
00:16:06Write the word V
00:16:07under each group of figures
00:16:08reading two one three eight two O.
00:16:26Page twelve ninety,
00:16:27the fourth word.
00:16:37Probably somebody's old lady
00:16:38mixed up in it, huh?
00:16:42Try the next one.
00:16:44Page eleven oh eight,
00:16:45the fourteenth word.
00:16:47Somebody's old lady.
00:16:53Well, there you are.
00:16:55Combine the first two syllables.
00:16:56The word is ma-ing.
00:16:58Or main.
00:17:01Page one ninety-eight,
00:17:02the first word.
00:17:10First word is bearer.
00:17:13Now twenty-one sixty-eight,
00:17:14the twenty-third word.
00:17:23Now twenty-three sixty-five,
00:17:25the twenty-fourth word.
00:17:27The word is young.
00:17:28The bearer, Tommy Young.
00:17:31Now twenty-three thirty-six,
00:17:32the tenth word.
00:17:35I'm expecting a visitor.
00:17:36His name is Tommy Young.
00:17:38If he asks for Siri,
00:17:39he'll know to see me.
00:17:40It is of the utmost importance
00:17:41he's the messenger
00:17:42of Honorable McCutcheon.
00:17:48The bearer, Tommy Young,
00:17:50will carry the merchandise
00:17:51to destination.
00:17:53The word is poppy.
00:17:55You know, it's my guess
00:17:56this cipher ties up
00:17:57with the one the State Department
00:17:58was worried about.
00:18:00You'll only find Main.
00:18:02Tommy Young's ticket was made
00:18:03out to New York.
00:18:04That's where we'll find him.
00:18:06I'm going to New York
00:18:07and deliver this cipher
00:18:08to Main myself.
00:18:10Please be careful, Philip.
00:18:11Just have him arrested.
00:18:12We don't want Main
00:18:13as much as we want
00:18:14what Tommy Young is going after.
00:18:15It's our job to get it.
00:18:17The only chance is
00:18:18if Main, whoever he is,
00:18:19will accept me as Tommy Young.
00:18:21It's pretty slim,
00:18:22but we've got to take it.
00:18:23All right, I'll get you
00:18:24a reservation.
00:18:25Thanks, Lane.
00:18:26I'll phone you just as soon
00:18:27as I locate Main.
00:18:29You know, I have a hunch
00:18:30he doesn't even know Tommy Young.
00:18:31Why the letter of introduction
00:18:32and the password?
00:18:34Hello, V&O?
00:18:36I want to make a reservation
00:18:37for a compartment to New York.
00:18:40Long distance operator?
00:18:42Get me the cipher bureau.
00:18:43Army and Navy building,
00:18:44Washington, D.C.
00:18:45Hurry the call, please.
00:18:46I'll hold on.
00:18:47Major Waring's office.
00:18:49Oh, hello, Philip.
00:18:51I've located our man.
00:18:53He runs a curio shop here.
00:18:55Take down the address.
00:19:01I'm perfectly all right, dear.
00:19:02Don't worry.
00:19:03Is Murdoch there?
00:19:05Just a moment.
00:19:06Lieutenant Murdoch.
00:19:07Major Waring's on the line.
00:19:09Yes, sir.
00:19:10I'll be right down.
00:19:12I'll be right down.
00:19:16He's on the line.
00:19:19Hello, Murdoch.
00:19:21Now, here's what I'm going to do.
00:19:22Late this afternoon,
00:19:23I'm going to Maine's curio shop
00:19:25to deliver the cipher.
00:19:26If it works out all right,
00:19:27I'll call you by 7 o'clock tonight.
00:19:30If you don't hear from me by that time,
00:19:31hop a plane and find out why.
00:19:34Good luck, Phil.
00:20:16Good evening to you, sir.
00:20:18Good evening.
00:20:19I'd like to speak to Mr. Maine.
00:20:22I am Eli Maine.
00:20:32I see.
00:20:34If you will excuse me,
00:20:35I shall read it.
00:20:46Let's see.
00:21:09How do you do?
00:21:10How do you do?
00:21:12What do you call that instrument?
00:21:14It's a moon house.
00:21:23He has come.
00:21:25You know what to do with him?
00:21:27You received the first negative?
00:21:28It came safely here.
00:21:44This is the one Tommy Young would have delivered to our destination if his courage had been equal to his stupidity.
00:21:55And now, he has gone on a far longer journey.
00:22:00In another day, a second negative will be delivered to you.
00:22:03Then a courier will come, identified by a cipher from me.
00:22:06Like that one.
00:22:08I myself will dispatch the third negative from Washington.
00:22:12Thus, all three will come together only in Suri's hands.
00:22:16And if, by an evil chance, any one of our couriers is taken, no one will be able to fathom the message he carries.
00:22:22And certainly, not the discerning eye of the one who waits in the shop, ignorant of the doom which already envelops him.
00:22:43Success depends upon our following this plan of the letter.
00:22:48And now...
00:22:53First, send Lee to me. Only for a few moments.
00:22:57Then I will prepare Sing for Majorette.
00:23:01Your English is...
00:23:03Perfect. Is that the word you're seeking?
00:23:06I was educated in England. It's quite simple, isn't it?
00:23:09Most things are, when you've learned the facts.
00:23:12And if I hadn't explained?
00:23:14You would have remained a fascinating mystery.
00:23:16And now, like a solved problem, I'm...
00:23:19Always able to present some hitherto unknown quality.
00:23:24Will you excuse me?
00:23:33You know the word?
00:23:35The word? Oh, poppy.
00:23:38You know the path? From here?
00:23:42How will you know Sudi?
00:23:44By the word.
00:23:47Beautiful flower.
00:23:49I've been unhappy every hour away from you.
00:23:52My beloved.
00:23:55Shall we leave soon for the West, as you promised?
00:23:58I live constantly in fear.
00:24:02When next I see your eyes, let them smile.
00:24:05Be patient.
00:24:08Soon our work is done, and then...
00:24:16How lovely they are.
00:24:57Come, follow me.
00:25:08I will prepare the message you are to carry.
00:25:30Shall we discuss the message first?
00:25:35I see you were expecting me.
00:25:38Yes, we have even prepared a room for you.
00:25:42Here we can watch you, so that you do not interfere with our work.
00:25:46You must have a better reason than that, Meng.
00:25:50If one of ours should make a mistake as you did,
00:25:53we will have you to offer in exchange.
00:25:56You'll be wasting your time.
00:25:59Show the Major to his room.
00:26:02I hope it has a southern exposure.
00:26:32Come in.
00:27:03What's the matter? Isn't your coffee all right?
00:27:05Oh, of course. You can go home now, Jimmy.
00:27:07I'll wait. I don't mind staying.
00:27:09Besides, Major Waring might need us.
00:27:11Do you think he's all right?
00:27:13Oh, I'm sure he is.
00:27:14I'm sure he'll call any minute.
00:27:20Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:21Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:22Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:23Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:24Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:25Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:26Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:27Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:28Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:29Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:30Hello, Jimmy.
00:27:32Oh, it's you, Paul.
00:27:35No, we haven't heard from your brother yet.
00:27:37I'll let you know just as soon as he calls.
00:27:52I'm going to New York.
00:27:54He said if he didn't telephone by seven o'clock,
00:27:56I was to go to Main Shop.
00:27:57I'll write the address.
00:28:02705 Pell Street.
00:28:19Could I have a pair like this?
00:28:32I'm sorry.
00:28:33This is the only one we have.
00:28:35It's too bad.
00:28:37I'd like a pair of them.
00:28:41Will you excuse me?
00:28:42My father's calling me.
00:28:43Of course.
00:28:47The second one is here.
00:28:50I will leave him, dear, in your gentle care.
00:28:53You have no time for tea, Father?
00:28:55No, my child.
00:28:56I shall see that it does not go to waste.
00:29:02It is the hour for tea, our daily custom.
00:29:04Would you care to join me?
00:29:06On one condition.
00:29:09In exchange for your hospitality,
00:29:11you have dinner with me tonight.
00:29:13Sit down, please.
00:29:14We'll discuss that as we sip our tea.
00:29:32No sugar?
00:29:35We do not profane our tea.
00:29:39Come out, Major.
00:29:47We take you to a pleasanter home.
00:29:49What's the matter?
00:29:50Are they closing in on your men?
00:29:51We go now.
00:30:01I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:30:30I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:00I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:01I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:02I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:03I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:04I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:05I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:06I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:07I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:08I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:09I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:10I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:11I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:12I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:13I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:14I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:15I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:16I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:17I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:31:38I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:32:06I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:32:29I hope you will not be too uncomfortable, Major.
00:32:36Yes, Eli May.
00:33:03What would you want of him?
00:33:05I've been talking for him.
00:33:07Of Jade.
00:33:10And the word?
00:33:11Is blossomed.
00:33:14Follow me.
00:33:20I shall prepare the package you are to deliver.
00:33:22All right.
00:33:26Someone has been here.
00:33:29Since the rain began.
00:33:34The plates are gone.
00:33:36I'm sure I know who it was.
00:33:38Regrets will not bring it back, but there is someone who will.
00:33:42We go merely across the alley to our storeroom, which holds now a treasure of unexpected value.
00:33:48It is better that you remain here until we return.
00:34:04We find we have use for your life, Major.
00:34:32Perhaps you too have use for it.
00:34:35Ming, I'm forever expecting you to speak in Proverbs.
00:34:37You're awfully disappointing.
00:35:00We are offering you your life in exchange for a letter.
00:35:05And a packet, will you write?
00:35:08You know, Ming, you caught me in the wrong mood.
00:35:14Major, your heroics are useless.
00:35:23You all right, son?
00:35:24What I could do with some ham and eggs.
00:35:25Outside of that, I'm all right.
00:35:26We'll take care of that as soon as we catch up with the girl.
00:35:29Come on, Ming.
00:35:30What do we do about him?
00:35:32Don't worry, he can't get out of here.
00:35:33I tried.
00:35:35Quickly, before they return.
00:35:47She's been back here.
00:35:48I had one of them tied up.
00:35:50You got what we want.
00:35:51Good work, Murdoch.
00:35:52How do you know?
00:35:53Ming tried to buy them back, but I didn't care for his price.
00:35:57Well, for the moment, there's nothing left but to call Captain Gilbert and have him take over both here and in the storeroom.
00:36:01We'll go back to Washington with our own little curio.
00:36:04Are you going to take another crack at Ming?
00:36:15It's a waste of time.
00:36:16You can't make an Oriental talk when he's made up his mind not to.
00:36:19And with a half-Oriental like Ming, it's even worse.
00:36:23Lane, did you call Ollie Johnson about the translation of that letter?
00:36:25Yes, he'll be here.
00:36:28Are you nearly ready?
00:36:29Just about.
00:36:30Jimmy, close the blinds.
00:36:31Yes, sir.
00:36:32Everybody, give me that first slide.
00:36:35Now try the next one.
00:36:59Now try them both together.
00:37:04Well, we'll have to find one or two other plates before they make sense.
00:37:12But hold those until we find them.
00:37:13That's all for the machine, Laurie.
00:37:15Jimmy, open the blinds.
00:37:16Well, what are you making?
00:37:18Well, it's obvious what they've done.
00:37:20They've broken down some map or drawing into three or four different plates.
00:37:23That way, they can be delivered to any destination by separate messengers without fear of discovery.
00:37:28Individually, they don't mean a thing.
00:37:30Whomever they're intended for gets them one at a time and superimposes them and has the answer.
00:37:34Well, they're just making it three or four times tougher.
00:37:37But not tough enough.
00:37:38Oh, hello, Johnson.
00:37:42Thanks for coming.
00:37:43Happy to be of service.
00:37:44You got that letter, Lane?
00:37:49You think you can translate this?
00:37:55I believe so.
00:37:57It shouldn't take much time.
00:37:59Go to it.
00:38:34You know, I'm really concerned about the slides.
00:38:36There must be something important on them, or they wouldn't have taken so much trouble to disguise it.
00:38:41Somehow, someway, we've got to find the others.
00:38:43There's no place to start.
00:38:45Except Maine.
00:38:47No, that's useless.
00:39:05Did you get it?
00:39:06Yes, this is it.
00:39:10Listen to this.
00:39:12Deliver the two final pictures by applying for me at Lee's Oriental Restaurant, Ocean Boulevard, San Pedro, California.
00:39:17Use the same word, poppy, as with the first deliveries which are at hand,
00:39:22as you know by the messenger who returns these instructions.
00:39:25Signed, Surrey.
00:39:28Why, that's a good idea.
00:39:29I'll get it.
00:39:30I'll get it.
00:39:31I'll get it.
00:39:32I'll get it.
00:39:32I'll get it.
00:39:33I'll get it.
00:39:33I'll get it.
00:39:34That's plain enough.
00:39:35They've got two slides, but we've got the final two.
00:39:39And we're going to San Pedro to get those two slides.
00:39:42It's a chance, Murdoch, let's take it.
00:39:44Call the airport, order a commercial plane.
00:39:46Tell them we'll be ready to take off in half an hour.
00:39:50Thanks, Johnson, for your help.
00:39:51At any time, mate.
00:39:55Lane, with any kind of luck, this trip should end it.
00:39:59Please be careful, Philip.
00:40:00I don't want to be a widow before I'm a bride.
00:40:03Don't you worry, my pet.
00:40:05Just as soon as I get back, we'll tie the knot.
00:40:08I promise.
00:40:24Happy landing.
00:40:25You'll need a happy break after the landing.
00:40:30Special flight, the airline.
00:40:33What time do you estimate Pittsburgh?
00:40:35Estimate Pittsburgh at 135, 6,000.
00:40:38Take 5,000.
00:40:39Trip 7's coming through at 6,000.
00:40:41Okay, airlines, 5,000 to Pittsburgh.
00:40:53Special flight, report.
00:40:57Special flight, report.
00:40:59Special flight, report.
00:41:04Special flight, report, airlines.
00:41:07Rip the thing out.
00:41:08We can't, we may need it.
00:41:10Report, airlines.
00:41:13Special flight, airlines.
00:41:15Special flight, airlines calling.
00:41:21Murdoch, I wonder why he doesn't answer that call.
00:41:27Special flight, airlines.
00:41:29Special flight, airlines calling.
00:41:32We can't stall much longer.
00:41:33I can't report our position so far off course.
00:41:37Special flight, airlines.
00:41:38Report, special flight.
00:41:42Something's wrong.
00:41:46Don't move.
00:41:51I wouldn't reach for that gun, Lieutenant Murdoch.
00:41:54I thought your line was Curios.
00:41:56That's only a hobby.
00:41:59You should have stuck to yours, Major, and piloted yourself.
00:42:02I think you've got something there.
00:42:04The next time I will.
00:42:06There will be no next time.
00:42:07This is your last flight.
00:42:09I'll take that gun now, Lieutenant.
00:42:24Oh, shit.
00:42:32What is that man doing?
00:42:33I don't know.
00:42:54What happened to him?
00:42:55That bullet hit him. Get him out of here.
00:43:04Hello, airlines. Special flight calling.
00:43:06Hello, airlines.
00:43:08Airlines replying. Special flight. Any trouble?
00:43:10All okay. Returning to Washington. Can you clear a course?
00:43:13Aren't you upset, Pedro?
00:43:14No. This trip was a frame-up, Pedro.
00:43:16I'm not going to miss it.
00:43:18I'm going to miss it.
00:43:19I'm going to miss it.
00:43:20I'm going to miss it.
00:43:21I'm going to miss it.
00:43:22No. This trip was a frame-up.
00:43:23They knew just what we were doing and made us walk right into it.
00:43:26Now, I have a funny hunch about that, too.
00:43:27Special flight, give us your position.
00:43:30Flying at 3,000 at 3927 north on 9017 west.
00:43:36Proceed east at 4,000.
00:43:39Okay, 4,000.
00:44:23Well, I didn't expect to find you here on Sunday, Miss Helen.
00:44:27It's nice and quiet here, Sergeant, and I have a lot of things to think about.
00:44:31Yes. I guess I know all about that.
00:44:34I've heard about you and the Major.
00:44:37I've been carrying around a little wedding gift for you.
00:44:40Why, Sergeant, I don't know quite what to say.
00:44:45Except this is just about the nicest thing that's ever happened to me.
00:44:50You know, I often get this thinking.
00:44:52An old fellow like me, I'd like to be serving again under him.
00:44:57Yes, Henry.
00:44:59Sergeant, they're lovely boys.
00:45:02I sort of need them myself, Miss Helen.
00:45:04We'll both be very happy with them.
00:45:16You, uh, you're worried about something, ain't you?
00:45:20Well, it's only natural to worry when you're young.
00:45:25I had to get pretty old before I learned that things were never as bad as you make them in New Orleans.
00:45:30And what's more, they never turned out that way.
00:45:33I recollect the day I boarded the boat for Cuba in 98.
00:45:37I got to learn maybe I'd never come back to my wife, Martha.
00:45:43Well, sir, I came back all right.
00:45:46But Martha was the one that passed on.
00:45:49But she left me something out of her love.
00:45:52My little boy, Tommy.
00:45:54And then I got to worry maybe I'd never be able to raise the little shaper like she were.
00:46:02Twenty years later, I...
00:46:11Yes, sir, you know, and twenty years later, I was proud of her.
00:46:15I was proud of the job I'd done.
00:46:18When he went away to another war, Tommy didn't come back.
00:46:24And I'm still here.
00:46:26I've learned that the things that I worried about are the ones that never really happen.
00:46:35You know, Miss, I think I'll go make my run, Miss Helen.
00:46:39Oh, goodbye, Sergeant, and thanks again.
00:46:41Major Whaling will want to see you when he gets back.
00:47:02Hello, is Lieutenant Lowering there?
00:47:04Would you ask him to come to the office as soon as he returns?
00:47:07This is Miss Lane calling.
00:47:14Hello, Lieutenant Everett?
00:47:16Would you ask him to come to the office immediately?
00:47:19Yes, I know it's Sunday, but it's very important.
00:47:22Thank you, this is Miss Lane calling.
00:47:24He'll know.
00:47:34Hello, is Jimmy there?
00:47:36Would you ask him to come to the office at once?
00:47:39This is Miss Lane calling.
00:48:30V, V, X, T, X, B, J.
00:48:37B, N, V, T, I, C, L, R, M, U.
00:48:48B, R, C, W, M, W, P, X.
00:48:57Quickly, into the study, Lea.
00:48:58Are you expecting anyone, Arvin?
00:49:00No one.
00:49:07Come in.
00:49:17Won't you come in, Miss Lane?
00:49:21I'm sorry to trouble you on Sunday,
00:49:24but it's a matter of great importance.
00:49:26Certainly, if you'll make yourself comfortable,
00:49:28I'll be with you in a minute.
00:49:33Do sit down, please.
00:49:38It's Major Waring's secretary.
00:49:39The visit is rather curious.
00:49:41She may suspect.
00:49:42I don't know.
00:49:43I shall have to find out.
00:49:45Be alert.
00:49:46Be prepared for anything.
00:49:47I ruin you.
00:49:48Do not be alarmed, my darling.
00:50:08If I may be of service, Miss Lane.
00:50:09Why, I, um, I've wrote some letters to half-translators.
00:50:30Some of these letters are very old.
00:50:32Many of them are old.
00:50:34Some of these letters are very old.
00:50:36Many of them I remember having translated before.
00:50:39Why do you bring them to me now?
00:50:41I was ordered to have them translated.
00:50:45What is the true reason?
00:50:47I'm merely curious.
00:50:49Mainly, I think, because we underestimated your cleverness.
00:50:53Then I found that letter you'd changed the other day.
00:50:59Yes, I thought of that, too.
00:51:01Rather stupid of me.
00:51:08What could you expect to do, coming here alone?
00:51:11I was pressed for time.
00:51:12It's when we're pressed for time we make mistakes, Miss Lane.
00:51:16I couldn't just sit there and wait.
00:51:18I had to make sure.
00:51:21I've done that.
00:51:22Unfortunately for you, you have.
00:51:25If you've left word asking for help, do not depend too greatly upon it.
00:51:29After all,
00:51:31we're forewarned.
00:51:43Guard her well.
00:51:44We'll leave here early this evening.
00:51:46What you wanted most was always within your reach.
00:51:49The key to those pictures.
00:51:53Where you might have least expected to find it.
00:51:58Come with me.
00:52:01Come on.
00:52:08Well, I don't guess Lane waited for us.
00:52:10I wonder what she wanted.
00:52:11I don't know. I'll try to get her on the phone.
00:52:28Hello, Major. Didn't expect to see you so soon.
00:52:30That trip was a flame-up. The lid's off on this case.
00:52:33What are you doing around on Sunday? Something happen here?
00:52:35Lane called Everett and me, said to get down here right away. It was important.
00:52:39Well, that's funny. Where is she?
00:52:40Wish I knew. She hasn't been home all day.
00:52:43Well, what are you doing down here today?
00:52:45Miss Lane telephoned, sir. She told me to report here.
00:52:48Something's happened. See if you can get her on the phone.
00:52:49I just called her.
00:52:50Well, try again.
00:52:52I can't understand her not leaving a message of some kind.
00:52:54Hello, Sam.
00:52:55Hiya, Sam.
00:52:57I... I hope you like them, Major.
00:53:00You know about these?
00:53:01Oh, yes, sir.
00:53:02When Miss Hallowan was here, I gave them to her.
00:53:05And maybe she told you about it.
00:53:07It's a sort of a wedding present.
00:53:09Well, thanks, Sergeant. That's awfully nice of you.
00:53:11She isn't home yet, sir.
00:53:13You say you saw Miss Lane here today?
00:53:15Yes, sir. She was here this morning.
00:53:18I stopped by to chat a bit.
00:53:20I guess I talked too much because she seemed to be worried about something.
00:53:24Did she say what about?
00:53:25No, sir. She didn't say a word to me.
00:53:27Just went scampering around back and forth to the files with letters and things.
00:53:47Lane's hid it.
00:53:49The entire file of Oriental letters is gone.
00:53:52We should have figured this thing out much sooner.
00:53:54Remember that first day we called on Tommy Young?
00:53:56Only those of us here in this office knew about it.
00:53:58And yesterday when we decided on the flight, it was again in this office.
00:54:01No one else here but Johnson.
00:54:02He'd already left the answer and Lane found it.
00:54:05Have Sam let in the personnel office and get Johnson's home address.
00:54:08We're going to pay him a visit right now.
00:54:09Come on, Sam.
00:54:11Jimmy, you better come along. We may need you to phone or send a message.
00:54:14Yes, sir.
00:54:19Look, Major. Look, a note from Miss Lane to Lieutenant Everett.
00:54:22I couldn't wait. Major Waring may be in great danger.
00:54:25Almost certain interpreter Arlie Johnson is involved.
00:54:27Going to Johnson's home, don't know what I can do but must try.
00:54:30Follow me there. Address 1708 Ohio Street.
00:54:32Stop and worry about it.
00:54:34Waring, you and Everett better stand by.
00:54:36But Major, don't you think...
00:54:37It's an order. Besides, Lane might try to contact the office.
00:54:53We must leave immediately.
00:54:55What about her?
00:54:57We'll take her with us.
00:55:00Put the correspondence in the briefcase.
00:55:02Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:55:08I'm so sorry.
00:55:11I'm so sorry.
00:55:13I'm so sorry.
00:55:15I'm so sorry.
00:55:17I'm so sorry.
00:55:19I'm so sorry.
00:55:21I'm so sorry...
00:55:48Hurry up.
00:55:51I got a load of this. Not bad on an interpreter's salary. A short wave set.
00:56:23Did you see Johnson come out?
00:56:24Yes, sir, just about a minute ago. Helen was with him and another woman.
00:56:27They got in the car and drove off.
00:56:29Do you think you can recognize the car?
00:56:30Oh, yes, sir. It was a tan sedan that turned that corner to the right.
00:56:33Nice work, Jimmy. Move over.
00:57:35Lane was with them. They got away in a car. Jimmy and I tailed them, but they gave us a slip.
00:57:39What did you get?
00:57:40This code message came through. It's probably a substitution cipher.
00:57:43Well, it's something to work on.
00:57:44It may give us an idea where they're headed for.
00:57:46Yeah. Well, I suppose they cleaned this place out, but we'll take a look around anyway.
00:58:28Murdock, I'm sure this is the key.
00:58:30They've made three separations instead of four.
00:58:32Another of Johnson's tricks.
00:58:33Now look at this fingerprint, freshly made for us to see.
00:58:37Maybe it's Lane's.
00:58:39Now it depends on how fast we can work.
00:58:41We've got to find the answer in this cipher or that slide.
00:58:47Now superimpose this one over the other two.
00:58:57Why, it's a detailed map of the Panama Canal defenses.
00:59:01And this is their plan of a remote control system
00:59:04for putting the dynamo's furnishing power to the motors which control the locks out of commission.
00:59:09If the Pacific Fleet were in the Atlantic on maneuvers,
00:59:11and this system were put into operation, it would stop all traffic on the canal,
00:59:14leaving our West Coast defenseless.
00:59:16Have a composite print made up and sent to General Whitely at the War Office.
00:59:19I'll phone him in the meantime.
00:59:23You better break down this cipher into letter frequencies.
00:59:26That'll give us a start.
00:59:31What'd you find out, Evers?
00:59:32Nothing in the FBI files.
00:59:34Then I followed your hunch and checked the personnel.
00:59:36They're Helen Lane's prints.
00:59:37I was afraid of that.
00:59:39They've got Lane all right.
00:59:41Speed's our only chance.
00:59:42If that invention of yours will work, now's the time to find out.
00:59:44That's working every cipher I've experimented with so far.
00:59:47Check it out.
01:00:01This may save us hours of valuable time.
01:00:04The cipher's a signal, or even a variable substitution.
01:00:07This gadget will break it.
01:00:08I hope so.
01:00:09First, we'll get the north indicator lined up.
01:00:16The central alphabet represents the cipher letters.
01:00:19We'll get the actual deciphered message from the circle of inner, movable alphabets.
01:00:24Now, let's see.
01:00:25The first letter in the cipher message was Z.
01:00:30Well, we'll start by testing all the letters of the alphabet from A on until we find out what it stands for.
01:00:36You mean the first combination, the first cipher word must make sense.
01:00:40And it will.
01:00:41Now, when Z is deciphered, it'll be done by a movement of this lever.
01:00:45One, two, three, or more spaces as they're marked in this machine.
01:00:48Now, go to it, Murdock, and don't apply the brakes.
01:00:51Here's the print, Major.
01:00:53Get General Whiteley at his home for me.
01:01:03General Whiteley, please.
01:01:05No, thanks.
01:01:06He isn't in, Major.
01:01:08Well, see that this print is delivered to him personally as soon as possible.
01:01:11Be sure and explain its significance.
01:01:13Better take Everett with you and don't take any chances.
01:01:16I have a hunch that when this cipher's broken down, I won't be in Washington in the morning.
01:01:19Tell the General I'll confer with him at the first opportunity.
01:01:22Is there, uh, is there anything I can do, sir?
01:01:24Just stand by, Jimmy.
01:01:26How are you making out?
01:01:27Phil, I think I've got it.
01:01:30Oh, it's a variable substitution, all right.
01:01:31This oscillating ring takes care of that.
01:01:33Z, the cipher's in the D, and it's done by a movement of four spaces to the left.
01:01:40It's terrific, ain't it?
01:01:41Jimmy, go to the board and copy down the letters as Lieutenant Murdock calls them off to you.
01:01:45Yes, sir.
01:01:47I'm ready.
01:01:49Z is D.
01:01:57V is E.
01:02:08X, X is L.
01:02:17T is I.
01:02:26X is V.
01:02:29B is E.
01:02:34J is R.
01:02:37C is P.
01:02:41N is E.
01:02:45V is R.
01:02:54I am certain the envelope was put into that briefcase.
01:02:57Without the key, the plans are useless.
01:02:59It is impossible to return now and duplicate it.
01:03:10Are you sure you put all the papers in the briefcase?
01:03:12Yes, Aruno.
01:03:14You are aware of the reward for failure, Aruno?
01:03:21The woman may have it.
01:03:23Search her, Leah.
01:03:24Yes, Aruno.
01:03:35V is S.
01:03:39S is U.
01:03:43K is R.
01:03:47X is I.
01:03:50Deliver personally key to canal, plans third house beyond Sailor's Tavern, Sheep's Head Bay, Surrey.
01:03:57That's all we need.
01:03:59Yes, sir.
01:04:00As soon as Lieutenant Loring gets back, tell him to raise Captain Lacey in New York.
01:04:03Tell him to put some men around the third house from Sailor's Tavern on Sheep's Head Bay.
01:04:07Tell him Murdoch and I are flying in.
01:04:09And we're not taking any chances on the pilot this time.
01:04:11Come on.
01:04:17Lieutenant Loring.
01:04:19Captain Lacey.
01:04:21Third house from the tavern.
01:04:23Sheep's Head Bay.
01:04:26Waring and Murdoch flying.
01:04:52Nobody's entered or left the house since we arrived.
01:04:56You and Pearson go out of the back.
01:04:57You take the front door.
01:04:58I'll go to the window.
01:04:59The wizard will all move in.
01:05:06Oh, hello.
01:05:07Don't tell me you've mislaid it.
01:05:13Our methods of forcing you to talk are rather unpleasant.
01:05:18I wouldn't if I were you.
01:05:31Murdoch, let Mose and Pearson take charge of them.
01:05:34Our job's done.
01:05:36And don't you ever take a chance like this again.
01:05:41After that ordeal, you deserve a nice, long rest.
01:05:44Do you really mean it?
01:05:47Then I'll arrange everything.
01:05:51Yes, ma'am?
01:05:52Do you know the way to Elkton, Maryland?
01:05:54Yes, ma'am.
01:05:56Have you ever been to Elkton, Maryland?
01:05:58Yes, ma'am.
01:05:59What did you do in Elkton, Maryland?
01:06:01Same thing you all are about to do, ma'am.
01:06:03Say, what is this?
01:06:04A question and answer game or have you two suddenly gone balmy?
01:06:07What is Elkton, Maryland famous for?
01:06:10It's a place where people go in a hurry to get married.
01:06:13There's your answer.
01:06:14But darling, I think...
01:06:15Now, don't ask any questions.
01:06:16To Elkton, driver, and don't mind the speed laws.
01:06:19Very good, ma'am.