• 16 years ago
Barack Obama: One last point I want to make, because I think the media, you know, has really been focused a lot on race as we move down to South Carolina. And I have to say that, as I travel around South Carolina, I am absolutely convinced that white, black, Latino, Asian, people want to move beyond our divisions, and they want to join together...


... in order to create a movement for change in this country.

And, I mean, I'm not entirely faulting the media because, look, race is a factor in our society. There's no doubt that in a race where you've got an African-American, and a woman, and John...


... there's no doubt that that has piqued interest, but I guess what I'm saying is I don't want to sell the American people short.

Keywords: SC, South Carolina, Democratic Debate, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Unity, Division, Change, Together, John Edwards

They are desperate to move beyond the same, old arguments that we've been having and start actually getting something done in this country. And that's what the Democratic Party has been about.
