Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Malao to Rhapta (Berbera to Daresalaam), ed. Prof. M. S. Megalommatis

Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

بواسطة Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

14 مشاهدات
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Berbera to Daresalaam

The present video offers readers the possibility to read part of the Ancient Greek text of the Periplus of the Red (or Erythrean) Sea, and its Modern Greek translation, as published in the modern Greek edition of the text, by Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis; the present excerpt covers the Somali East African coastland, namely the space between Malao (Berbera) and Rhapta (Daresalaam).

Reading starts at the middle of the first page of the book that is included in this video (paragraph 8), and ends at the end of the first two paragraphs of the last past (paragraph 18).

The video features also photographical documentation from the book, as well as pictures from
Malao (Berbera),
Mundu (Bandar Heis, near Maydh, not far from Erigavo),
Mosyllon (Bossasso or Bender Qassim),
Nile Ptolemy river, Tapatege, Cape Elephant, Elephant river (all four locations being near modern Alula (in Somali: Ras Caluula),
Cape of Spices (Ras Asir or Cape Guardafui),
Tabae promontory, Opone (Ras Hafun),
Mikra Apokopa and Megala Apokopa (in the area of Bandar Beyla),
Mikros Aigialos and Megalos Aigialos (in the area of Hobyo / Obbia),
Serapion pasturelands and Nikon pasturelands (in the area between Mogadishu and Kismayo),
Pyralaoi islands (around Lamu, in the Somali province of Kenya), and
Menuthias island (Pemba island) and Rhapta (Daresalaam).

It is the second of a series of videos that will offer modern visualization to a 2000-year old text written by an anonymous Alexandrian Egyptian merchant and captain.

Further readings -- analysis in English:

Somalia as Part of the East -- West Trade during the Antiquity

Somalia, the Other Berberia, Abyssinia, Yemen and the Periplus of the Red Sea

Ancient Harbours of Northern Somalia and Colonial Anti-African Historiography

Sailing around the Horn of Africa, before 2000 years

Book review:
The Periplus of the Red Sea and the Trade between East and West
By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis