Copenhagen, Climate Change, China, and Ogaden

  • 8 years ago
Article first published on 19th December 2009,-Climate-Change,-China,-and-Ogaden/191824
The African tyrants share the same fate with the African peoples whom they mostly oppress, tyrannize and endanger through a perplex system that China has not even studied. However, the African elites, educated in their outright majority at the colonial capitals, cannot dissociate their interests and their fates from those of their masters who through interference and involvement ensured their socioeconomic and political rise back home. By so doing, the African elites, ignorant of the colonial strategy with respect to Africa (which happens to be most detrimental to all the African nations), actively dissociate themselves from the destiny of the populations they rule, control and oppress.

Members of the Danish Ogaden Community Demonstrate Outside the UN Climate Change Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark December 17. Protestors from Denmark's Ogaden Community demonstrate outside the UN climate change conference on December 17, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The group were demonstrating against Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi participating in the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference, claiming that he has one of the worst environmental records in the history of Ethiopia and that he has no respect for fundamental human rights.