Unshakable Course Trailer

  • 8 years ago
Unshakable Course - For more info, please visit: http://www.OddInterviews.com/Unshakable

Didn’t men write the Bible? Is the Bible a big game of telephone? Is evolution scientific? What’s the big bang? Are there lies in public school textbooks to support evolution? Did the Colorado River form the Grand Canyon over millions of years? Doesn’t the geologic column prove the earth is millions of years old? Does similar DNA and morphology prove evolution? Is evolution guided by natural selection and mutations? Does lots of micro-evolution lead to macro-evolution over millions of years? Does the presence of gill-slits in all animal embryos prove that all animals evolved from fish? Are there vestigial organs, and do they prove evolution? What about “Lucy”? Are there any cave-men? Doesn’t carbon dating prove the earth is millions of years old? What about K-Ar dating? Doesn’t distant starlight prove an old universe? Is there any scientific evidence for a young earth, as described in the Bible? Did God create the earth in the center of the universe? Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? What caused the flood? Where did all the water from the flood go? What about fossils? Was the ark big enough to hold all of the animals in the world? Wouldn’t the ark leak? How did Noah and his family get fresh air into the ark? Wouldn’t the ark have capsized from the waves? Is God one person or three? Those are just some of the questions that will be effectively answered in the Unshakable Course.

The Unshakable Course will equip Christians to defend their faith against secular attacks in our current day and age.
