call of Duty Ghosts Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - Campaign Mission 7 - Federation Day

  • 8 years ago
Call Of Duty Ghosts Federation Day Gameplay

Federation Day is the 7th mission of Call Of Duty Ghosts.Watch the full gameplay of Call Of Duty Ghost's 7th mission here.

Mission Objective: Confirm target's identity To start with you will have to scan the guy in the white suit who exits the chopper in front of you. Follow Keegan onto the rooftop

Mission Objective: Fire the zipline launcher

Kinda reminds me of Batman and his gadgets :) That is a massive zipline
launcher. Fire it at the building with the helicopter and it will attach

Mission Objective: Capture the HVT

The next sequence is a daydream of skyscraper window cleaners everywhere I'm
sure. Go floor by floor and follow your allies instructions and you'll be fine.

Mission Objective: Upload virus to the power system

[Rorke File 07/18: Immediately after cutting through the glass, head left
into the office and in one of the cubicles is the intel.]

Just a few notes on this sequence: When you get to the main power circuit you
do have enough time to upload the virus and get to the alcove so do that. When
you take out the lone guard on the balcony, throw the knife at the closest
running guard and Keegan will take care of the other.


Follow Keegan on his rounds, dropping enemies like flies and generally
following orders. When you reach the large group (not the group of five) shoot
the TV and activate your strobe light to get the drop on the enemy. I
definitely prefer the night vision goggles of the previous games to the
crappy strobe though.


After cutting the power to the elevators it's time for this sneaky, running
around to end (this compares to stealth like and egg does to a cake). Grab a
Vector from the shelf beside the console bank if you like and rejoin Keegan
behind cover. Stay on the corner closest to the elevator control room and pick
the troops off as they move forward.


Grab your rope and get ready to take it up a notch. The building is now on high
alert and the mission is going to hell in a handbasket. Rappel down the
building and smash into the garden level.


Immediately in front of you are several guns including the L115 if you want
them. This section can become tedious if you aren't the slow and methodical
type. These enemies are very good with grenade placement and will pin you down
while the grenade does the work if you let them. Follow your allies at least
one section of cover back. Use the sniper rifle to take out enemies from afar
and if in doubt retreat as it is annoying restarting this section again and
again due to impatience. This was probably the first reminder that I was
actually playing on Veteran so remember to take it slow. About halfway through
the room you will find some relief. I used the right hand side cover initially
(protection from grenades) and sniped from there. Then after most of the
enemies were cleared I moved to the small stairs at the far left side to move
Keegan forwards. After that I picked off all I could see in front of me and
made a beeline for the shattered glass doors on the left. As soon as I entered
the objective updated. You may have a different approach or strategy, this is
just the one that worked for me.


Once you reach the broken glass doors at the other end you've made it.


After the brief interrogation it's time to move again.

Mission Objective: Escape the building

Follow the squad and shoot the one or two troopers that get in your way.


Keyword:call of duty,call of duty ghosts,call of duty gameplay,call of duty mission7,call of duty ghosts mission7,call of duty ghosts gameplay,call of duty ghosts federation day walkthough,call of duty games