Beyond the Ice & the Fire: How Fragile is the Heart (Part 2)

  • 8 years ago
What if Sansa had gone with the Hound after he offered to take her with during the Battle of Blackwater? My AU take on this, which can be canon for both the books and series.

Part 1:

*I do not own anything that is seen or heard in this video. I only did it for fun and as a tribute to the Sandor/Sansa pairing and all it´s fans out there in the world :)

*Warning: If you want to avoid seeing some of the things that inspired certain plot lines (the kiss, or Arman Nervere for example), then don´t watch it ;)

*I apologize beforehand if you can´t see it, but it´s been blocked in some places due to copyrights :(

- Link to the fanfiction on

- Link to the fanfiction on Archive of Our Own:

Back in 2012 I came up with an AU fanfic story for Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane from the “A Song of Ice and Fire” books (or Game of Thrones, it´s TV adaptation). It begins towards the end of the second novel “A Clash of Kings”, right after Sandor goes to Sansa´s bedroom during the Battle of Blackwater. It was my take on what could have happened if she had gone with him that night.

For a year I worked on the fanfic, sharing it on various sites with fellow fans of this pairing, aided by my wonderful betas along the way. After 53 chapter though I got writer´s block, which means that the story is as yet uncompleted.

I know how it ends, but I unfortunately don´t have any plans to continue it yet. I was inspired by a fellow SanSan fan to make this “movie” about my fanfic, and this is the final product. It is not “spoilery” since it does not cover the last 12 chapters of the story.

Parts of the plot also had to be changed, invented, or left out, but I hope you like what you do see here! I know the video is quite long, but “adapting” a 450,400 words text into a sort of movie was both daunting and fun, and I tried to cover as much of it as I could. I apologize beforehand for the editing. I´m quite new at it!

Finally, I would like to dedicate this to anyone who ships Sansa/Sandor! I may not be active on the fandom anymore, but you all share, along with these 2 characters, a very special place in my heart…

Let me know what you think of it! I hope you enjoy it :D


