[ENGSUB] [Observing Idol's Diary] Look Inside - Rap Monster's Fun Friday

  • 8 years ago
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00:00[Observing Idol's Diary] Look Inside
00:03Last Wednesday, a visual clue was released
00:08Rich in trophies! Seems to be a popular idol!!
00:11#TrohpyRich #PopularIdol
00:15I don't like this character much, it's too over the top...
00:19#CharacterPlush #HiddenGirlSide
00:22If I had known then what I know now, I'd have listened more with my heart than my ears
00:27#SensiblePoet #PoetryReadingIdol
00:31Are many people wondering who I am?
00:34Who is the star of the visual hint?
00:41Shooting women's hearts with his charisma
00:44Welcome~ First time with Rap Monster?
00:47Bangtan's Rap Monster!
00:51Today I'll give you everything I've got!
00:56Inside a day with Rap Monster!
01:01March 12, 2016 1:00 PM: Rap Monster's company studio
01:07Isn't it cool?!
01:11We're going into the meeting room!
01:16The studio is under construction since we moved
01:19Open the window softly~
01:22This keyboard we use broke
01:25I'm a man who's good at breaking everything...
01:29I'm working on music earnestly
01:34Why did sound only come from the left?
01:42A problem arose!
01:47The right speaker is torn
01:50Why do things break all the time...
01:52It wasn't me, was it? I didn't do it...
01:56Doing speaker CPR
02:02Why is my life so rough
02:04I just wanted to hear sound...
02:07Really, there's no sound
02:09Why isn't there sound?!
02:11Can't contain his rage toward the speaker
02:16Did it die?
02:18Come out!!!
02:21Finally, sound is coming from the right speaker
02:24The speaker recovered!
02:26The right speaker gained new life
02:30Wow! Everyone, it's a miracle!
02:36Seal clapping
02:40The character plush delivers a bow of gratitude
02:44Music work ends with a pleasant feeling
02:49March 12, 2016 2:30 PM: A familiar cafe
02:52This is the cafe I usually go to
02:54My orange glasses are a camera
02:56If I go in with them on, won't people stare at me strangely...?
03:00You can enter your room
03:02Rushing to the room he reserved in advance
03:07I'm embarrassed because of these orange glasses
03:12I'm interested in a lot of everyday fashion
03:16My confidence is strangely low today...
03:21Truthfully, I want to get something else...
03:24Should I get one more thing?
03:26I'll pick up my fallen confidence and order something extra
03:33Waiting in line to order...
03:36This is really embarrassing...
03:38No, let's show proud confidence.
03:43I'll fix my gaze on the ice cream while waiting to order
03:48Hurry, please hurry...
03:51Thank you
03:52So embarrassed, he almost left without the spoon
03:57Thank you
03:58He got the spoon and rushed away, but
04:00he forgot to return the beeper
04:03Thank you
04:08What a mistake...
04:10The beeper...
04:13I forgot to return the beeper from my extra purchase
04:17The first beeper, too!
04:23I'll take the glasses off and be right back...
04:26Removing his glasses to ensure a quick return
04:32Return complete
04:35I couldn't go up there wearing the glasses
04:38The part-time worker gave me a weird look...
04:41Alright! That's done! Now it's me time!
04:44What work do I mainly do at the cafe?
04:50In my bag, you'll see a lot of books
04:56The first book is "Walden"
04:59I still can't read it
05:02And the second book is a collection of poems
05:07"If I Had Known Then What I Know Now"
05:11If I had known then what I know now, I'd have listened more with my heart than my ears
05:15I'd live more cheerfully and less worried
05:18Remember that the true beauty of life is living
05:23A literary idol enjoys reading poetry
05:27You can feel his rapper swag while he reads the poem
05:32Taking a sip of coffee during the poetry reading
05:35Ah, hot!
05:37My charisma disappeared and I lack smoothness
05:40March 12, 2016 4:00PM: Seoul Forest
05:43When I need somewhere to think or relax, I come here
05:49Everyone, I'll introduce you to a new friend
05:52My dog!
05:53Rapmonnie: Rap Monster's pet dog
05:56He is very very active
05:58Rapmonnie is overflowing with energy
06:02Rapmonnie wants to go play in the wide open area...
06:06Sniff, sniff--
06:09Mon, look over here
06:16Turning away...
06:19He's not looking at me...
06:21Being Pet--
06:22Mon! Do you hate me?
06:26Rapmonnie's heart is fueled by snacks
06:29So you look at me when I've got something to eat...
06:35Do you want to eat?
06:38Sad eyes look up at the snack
06:42Taking advantage of the snack to demand, "Hand"
06:46Hand, hand, hand
06:53Are you a dog?
06:55Not willing to give his hand
07:02His hand didn't even touch the snack presented
07:05Well... if it's tasty, it's fine...
07:07When I come to Seoul Forest, I think of a melody to hum
07:13For example, Puppy
07:15Puppy, you're so big~
07:20Also, very cheap...
07:23You don't do any tricks...
07:27He's talking behind Rapmonnie's back through a self-composed song
07:31The weather keeps getting better! I think this is the last cold spell~
07:36Open space
07:38Yah! Mon!
07:41Troublesome dog...
07:43Look at me... I love you...
07:52Give a kiss to your older bro!
07:55He won't bat a lash without a snack
07:59Your man... High-priced man...
08:03I... don't love you...
08:06He's showing me his deadly rear-end even as I pull
08:11Come over here~ Want to run?
08:13Let's look at the sky while running
08:16If you look at this low world, it feels like something else...
08:19Invisible things become visible...
08:22And you can see Rapmonnie's face...
08:30I set my coat in the grass for one second, and now it's ready to die
08:39How could your bro do this to his coat...
08:42Rapmonnie is uncomfortable
08:46Giving up on the coat to start a stroll with Rapmonnie
08:51Toward the sun in the blue sky, I will run~
08:57Rap Monster and Rapmonnie slowly finish what they started
09:01The weather is super nice
09:07Rapmonnie's boundless energy cannot be contained
09:12The owner can't help but race without looking back
09:19This is tough...
09:22Rapmonnie is trying to drag him into another race just as their stroll ended
09:29Today, you experienced the daily routine of Rap Monster and the dog, Rapmonnie
09:34I gave you a look into my average day
09:37I'm grateful you enjoyed watching it
09:39Please give Bangtan on "Look Inside" lots of love
09:43Thank you~
09:46Bye Bye
09:50[Observing Idol's Diary] Look Inside
09:52March 23, 2016 (Wednesday) 9:00 AM: Revealing the star of the visual hint
