LANCE - Ras 紫 (12) maimai動画中 譜面確認用 share from niconico:
Maimai Orange Plus (SEGA) - LANCE - Ras [MASTER] LV12 not that really hard of a 12 honestly but getting an SS for this was incredibly annoying. oh and Ras .
w Oshama Scramble! 紫 (12) maimai動画中 譜面確認用 share from niconico:
Maimai Orange Plus (SEGA) - LANCE - Ras [MASTER] LV12 not that really hard of a 12 honestly but getting an SS for this was incredibly annoying. oh and Ras .
w Oshama Scramble! 紫 (12) maimai動画中 譜面確認用 share from niconico:
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