37.000 People at the Grøn Koncert 2014 in København. Usually the Happy crowd is part of Happy home, but if you want to hear the Happy crowd just listen .
37.000 People at the Grøn Koncert 2014 in København. The Happy crowd is singing and listening to the lyrics of this very emotional song from Hedegaard.
- - - - Next .
- - Next concerts: 17.Juli 2014 - Kolding, Grøn Koncert - DK 18.Juli 2014 - Randers .
37.000 People at the Grøn Koncert 2014 in København. The Happy crowd is singing and listening to the lyrics of this very emotional song from Hedegaard.
- - - - Next .
- - Next concerts: 17.Juli 2014 - Kolding, Grøn Koncert - DK 18.Juli 2014 - Randers .
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