• 9 years ago
Rough Riding Rhythm (1937)
Approved | 57min | Action, Western | 15 August 1937 (USA)

When Jim and Scrubby arrive to see Scrubby's sister, they find her murdered and suspect it was her no good husband Jake. But Jake and his men have just robbed the stage and two dectectives arrive looking for them. Finding Jim and Scrubby instead, they assume them to be the outlaws and arrest them.

Director: J.P. McGowan

Writers: James Oliver Curwood (story), Arthur Everett (screenplay)

Stars: Kermit Maynard, Beryl Wallace, Ralph Peters
00:00What's a kid, huh?
00:17What's a kid, huh?
00:44Well, I'll run into town and get a doctor.
00:56The doctor won't do her any good now.
00:59This looks like some of Jake's work.
01:03I'll catch him before he can get away.
01:05I'm going with you.
01:07You stay here, Scrubby, and watch the baby.
01:09I won't be long.
01:22Now, listen, mister, you got me all wrong.
01:24I wasn't trying to...
01:31Oh, I'm sorry.
01:32I didn't know that...
01:33Well, you know now.
01:35You're the nerviest cattle rustler I've ever seen.
01:38Well, I was just trying to get some milk.
01:40And the easiest way to do that was to steal the whole cow.
01:46You must be starting a dairy from the number of cows we've been losing lately.
01:50But I can explain this.
01:51You see, we...
01:52You can explain to my father.
01:54Come on, move along to the horses.
02:02Gee, I'll bet you'd make a swell nurse.
02:04You won't need a nurse after our boys get through with you.
02:07But it's not for me.
02:09I have a baby.
02:11Poor thing.
02:12Just a bit loco, eh?
02:14Well, come on, save your breath.
02:15You'll need it for later.
