Russian occupiers have sunk BOD Ochakov to block the exit of the Ukrainian ships in Crimea Ukraine, March 6 2014 .
Join EMPR at & stay with #1 independent citizen media about Ukraine EMPR focuses on developing the capacity of Ukrainian citizens to .
The Russian navy sank one of its own decommissioned warships across the mouth of an inlet, trapping Ukrainian ships at their dock further up the channel Cri .
Video evidences of Russian intervention in Ukraine and Crimea seizure - Видео факты - доказательства вторжения Российских войск в Украину.
Join EMPR at & stay with #1 independent citizen media about Ukraine EMPR focuses on developing the capacity of Ukrainian citizens to .
The Russian navy sank one of its own decommissioned warships across the mouth of an inlet, trapping Ukrainian ships at their dock further up the channel Cri .
Video evidences of Russian intervention in Ukraine and Crimea seizure - Видео факты - доказательства вторжения Российских войск в Украину.
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