• il y a 9 ans
The project ITECH aimed at defining a strategy plan in Health Technologies with the objectives to contribute to the Horizon 2020 Common EU Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation (Europe 2020): “To optimize research and innovation and transfer to products and services in Heath Technologies”. A general proposal of the Europe 2020 Strategy recommends removing barriers to bring ideas to market.

Accompanying research and innovation all along this value process at the European level for research funding, enterprise financing, clinical trials, efficient regulations, and reimbursement procedures were all part of the ITECH project.

The ITECH project had the objective of contributing to the harmonization of the procedures for a more rapid and efficient go-to-market strategy within Europe.

The ITECH Project has been organized in 4 major phases.
In a first phase of the project, we identified the sources of funding for the Research and Development of Health Technologies in the different countries in Europe.
In a second phase, we have identified 12 “Gaps and Barriers” that limit or slow down the “Idea to Market” process.
In a third phase, we have built the Roadmap to improve the “Idea to Market Process”. Some of the previously identified gaps and barriers have already received solutions from Europe or from the European countries.
The current Roadmap aims at developping four new support actions for Research and Development in the field of Health Technology.
1. Support the development of harmonized classifications and taxonomies, in the field of medical devices (GMDN and UDI) but also in the field of e-health.
2. Develop consistent and harmonized training in Europe, for the emergence of a corps of engineers and technicians trained in these techniques and methods, and health professionals skilled in innovation and evaluation.
3. Propose a research plan on the "Adoption Space" of an innovative technology, considering not only the technical, industrial and marketing aspects, but considering all the factors leading technology to be adopted by the professionals or the general public.
4. Supporting clinical trials on medical devices and e-health

Details online : http://www.itech-project.eu/


