How I Colour in Illustrator (Dilly-Oh's Wind Waker Comic)

  • 8 years ago
This is how I colour Dilly-Oh's Wind Waker comic series. I'm sorry the video is so long ;-; The original is an hour and twenty six minutes, I managed to cut out an hour but it's still really long D:
Anyway, check out her comic here :D
Dilly colours them all herself until page 81, where I do the colouring. Also, again, she draws them all and writes all the dialogue, I -only- colour.

Here's the final picture:
Woah, I just realized how off the colours became in this video ._.'

1. I image trace the picture
2. I colour it
3. I use Photoshop to get all the lines image trace fucked up back to normal
4. I fix the rest of the line fuck-ups in Illustrator