Bree Plays the 3DS Smash Bros. Demo

  • 10 years ago
Not bored enough to watch this for 23 minutes? Try the choppy 10 minute version!
If you prefer seeing as much as possible in the game though, enjoy this long version ^^

I bet the quality of this got burned in hell and came back out a blurry mess ;-;
And it was such great quality v.v
If you're wondering about the white and blue thing hanging on the side of the screen, this was filmed in a closet xD (and to be clear, those garments are not mine and I would never wear them. No. Fucking. Way.)
I put the phone on the white bars above, with the camera in the space between the bars, to film the 3DS.

Anyway, more about the game. Some things I forgot to mention!
On the level select screen, you can press "x" to switch to "Form" mode. It seems like what this does is remove platforms from stages so it's just a flat… stage. Elecman is an assist trophy now, and cuccos can be used as an item to send an angry army of cuccos at your foe xD If you screw up though and hit the cucco, it'll send its army after you!
The villager can shoot out a rocket thing, and that character can actually ride on it. I've done this playing as the Villager, but for some reason I've never seen a computer do it.
Oh, and you may have noticed I didn't touch the "Y" button. This is the jump button, but you can also push the joystick up to jump, which is what I did.
Some may be concerned that the 3DS controls would be clunky and weird, but I haven't had much trouble after getting used to it. The layout doesn't feel awkward. The only problem was that the L bumper is mainly for grabbing and at first I tried to shield with that bumper like you would with the Gamecube controller. The R button here is for shielding, and the L is for grabbing.
Also, the bombs during sudden death are in this game too.