Samantha, éperdument amoureuse se voit larguer à la mairie par son fiancé le jour fatidique du mariage et devant une assemblée, que faire, nen revenant pas elle se tourne vers tous ceux qui lui sont proches pour savoir ce qui se passe, très bon film , visionnez plus de nos vidéos sur merci\r
Samantha sees drop madly in love with the city by his fiancé fateful wedding day and before a meeting, what to do, not returning it turns to all those close to him to know what is happening, very good movie, watch more of our videos thank you\r
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Samantha sees drop madly in love with the city by his fiancé fateful wedding day and before a meeting, what to do, not returning it turns to all those close to him to know what is happening, very good movie, watch more of our videos thank you\r
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