Alone in Europe - End of the Merkel Era? | Quadriga

  • 8 years ago
More and more countries are turning against Chancellor Merkel’s refugee policy. Germany’s traditional partner, France, has snubbed Berlin, slamming the door on refugees. The eastern European states have also rejected Merkel’s open arms approach, and are pushing to close down the so-called Balkan Route for refugees. Things aren’t looking any better inside Germany. The CSU party - a member of Merkel’s coalition government - has described her migration policy as a “reign of injustice.”

Our guests:

Alan Posener is a commentator for the German newspaper “Die Welt”.
Constanze Stelzenmüller is an expert on foreign and security policy at the Brookings Institution think-tank.
Anna Sauerbrey is an editor and writer at the German daily newspaper “Der Tagesspiegel” and a contributing opinion writer for The International New York Times.
