• 9 years ago
30 DIY Laundry Cleaning Ideas For All Stains.

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1... Use the power of the sun on tomato-based stains and cloth diapers.

2... White bread can blot out a lipstick stain. Cut off the crust, roll up the soft center into a ball, then dab it. Anything that remains should come out in the washer.

3... Hairspray and hand sanitizer beat even the worst ink stains. Just spray or squirt, wait about 10 minutes, and wash normally.

4... Cold water and hand soap wash out blood stains. This works best while the blood’s still wet. If it’s dried, hydrogen peroxide works best.

5... Hydrogen peroxide also kicks grass-stain butt. Mix 2 tbsp hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp dish soap with a little elbow grease for the most effective treatment.

6... Chalk works on grease stains. Rub the chalk onto greasy stains, and the powder will absorb the oil.

7... So does baby powder. Gently brush on some powder, sweep off the excess, then let it sit for a few minutes. Repeat until the stain is gone.

8... There are a billion ways to get rid of those yellow sweat stains. http://goo.gl/Rttjxy

9... Use club soda, salt, milk, or kitty litter to remove freshly spilled red wine. Just make sure you treat the stain right away.

10... Ditch the acrylic paint stain with some rubbing alcohol. Plus a little bit of gentle elbow grease.

11... Make your dry-clean last longer with spot treatments. Dry-cleaning actually shortens the life of your clothes. So if you can spot-treat stains, do it. Just test in an inconspicuous area first.

12... Spritz a shirt with vinegar to make it last longer between washings.

13... Save time by sorting your clothes when you take them off. Buy four cheap laundry baskets: one for whites, one for darks, one for brights, one for dry cleaning.

14.... Spritz lavender water on your clothes before washing. Add a drop or two of essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water, then spritz right before you wash your clothes.

15... A little vinegar goes a long way. Use it for your towels, your workout clothes, and anything else that’s a little sour-smelling. Add it at the beginning of the wash so your clothes don’t smell vinegar-y at the end.

16... Whiten your whites with baking soda. It won’t tear up your clothes like bleach.

17... Never lose a sock again with the help of lingerie bags. Good for families, and those of us who do wash and fold.

18... You can also use lingerie bags to wash stuffed animals. http://goo.gl/sIHI0w

19... Make note of which clothes shouldn’t go in the dryer using a dry-erase marker.

20... Replace your dryer sheet with a ball of aluminum foil. Wad the sheet of foil into a ball, and you can re-use it for six months.

21... If you just can’t give up that dryer-sheet smell. Douse a hand towel in fabric softener and let it dry. Then toss it in with every load you dry.

22. Use a fluffy towel to make your clothes dry faster. Put it in the dryer with your clothes and it will help absorb water. Just pull it out after about 15 minutes so it doesn’t continue to contribute to the water in the dryer.

23... Dry sweaters faster by making a towel burrito. Lay your sweater out on a dry towel, then roll them up together like a yoga mat. Don’t wring the towel, just press, gently.

24... Use a salad spinner to help your panties and bras dry faster. You can’t stick them in the dryer, but you need them for that date tonight. So pretend they’re lettuce and stick them in the salad spinner.

25... Clothes shrinking? Try conditioner. Basically, you soak your shrunken piece of clothing in lukewarm water with some hair conditioner for a few minutes.

26... Listen to your mom: Hang up your clothes. Pull them out and hang them up right after the dryer cycle’s over. That way your pants won’t be wrinkled when you need them first thing Monday morning.

27... Dilute a little fabric softener with water to make your own wrinkle spray. The ratio should be about 1 part fabric softener to 10 parts water.

28... Avoid sweater shoulder bumps. Fold them. Or, if you insist on hanging them, at least hang them the right way.

29... Iron better by starting with a damp shirt. Try spritzing it with a little water.

30... Transform a folding TV tray into a dorm-sized ironing board. http://www.american-quilting.com/blog/?p=1908

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