Yakuza 5 EX-Hard Sango Amon

  • 8 years ago
Please excuse the crappy quality, no recording equipment for PS3 besides my phone. May also want to turn up the brightness a little.

I have to say, Sango Amon is kind of interesting fight (The first 2 phase anyway) but cheap at the same time.

First phase isn't too bad, and its doable with rush combos and you get a few opportunities to do some throw combos. Don't do too much heat move since they scale the damage to do less the more you use them and you need them for later on.

Second phase is where Sango gets cheap and difficult thanks to that stupid exploding umbrella of his. Your option is to throw him and heat moves, but since I can't mash the O button hard enough to do a throw, I just position myself close to giant gate, wait for him to finish attacking, grab him and wall throw him to the wall.

As for phase 3...... well this phase is stupid, give me 1 good reason not to use the extremely sturdy knife here. You can't grab him or do heat moves on him. If you're only using your fist only, your only valid option of is to keep spamming square square triangle to block stun the shit out him and hoping he'll let you land a hit or 2 each time, which isn't that much different from stun locking the living shit out of him using the extremely sturdy knife. (Also, credits to KY1130Wesker for the Sturdy knife method.)

All in all, this fight really isn't too bad for Shinada.
