From mad men that murdered untold numbers of people in war to terrifying people that like to torture people and broadcast it on T.V.! We take a look at 6 Evil .
From a teenager murdering a young girl because she wanted to know what it feels like, to a young man who took a shotgun to school and murdered some of his .
4000 likes and Martins evil goons dont kill me Twitter ▻ --------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook .
10 most evil men in history. This list contains ten of the most evil leaders | rulers in human history around the world | planet earth. Do you know more evil-minded .
From a teenager murdering a young girl because she wanted to know what it feels like, to a young man who took a shotgun to school and murdered some of his .
4000 likes and Martins evil goons dont kill me Twitter ▻ --------------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook .
10 most evil men in history. This list contains ten of the most evil leaders | rulers in human history around the world | planet earth. Do you know more evil-minded .
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