• 8 yıl önce
Have you ever had someone stare at your cleavage? Or have you had trouble tearing your eyes away from someones boobs? Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they discuss The Cleavage Dilemma!
Reid:  Hi, Im Reid Mihalko from and this is Cathy Vartuli from .  Today were going to talk about cleavage.
Cathy: [Laughs].
Reid:  Actually, Im bringing the camera down because I want to show off the new sex geek tank tops.
Cathy: Yeah.  Theyre very comfy.
Reid: Because we do have a lot of male watchers of these videos, and because of the last video that we did about arousal and shouting out to people, lets talk about, really quickly, when you put the tank top on and were adjusting the camera and you were like, Oh my goodness.  Thats showing a lot of cleavage.  Lets explain to our listeners why you would say that to yourself and make a note of that.  As a woman walking around in culture, illuminate the cleavage dilemma.
Cathy: Well, Im pretty open minded about how much people show.  Part of it is Ive been brought up in a culture where youre considered slutty if too much shows.  A lot of women are always evaluating, I want to be sexy but not slutty.  Theres a very fine line between that, like where am I on that spectrum.  Also, because I love having conversations with people, I really prefer having conversations with people that are looking here rather than .
Reid: Now, just as a dude, and I would like to think of myself as somewhat evolved, while I notice cleavage and sometimes want to look or sometimes just catch myself looking without really understanding why Im looking.  Im like, Oh my God, Im doing it again.  I have trained myself to look at somebodies eyes, but I think I came at it more from trying to connect with people because I create a better connection, men and women, and that helped me not forget about cleavage but I trained myself not to really break eye contact regardless of whats going on.
Cathy: So, if it was already lower you would be okay?
Reid: I think Ive trained myself to look people in the eyes because its better to connect not as a means of avoiding cleavage, however, because I dont stare at peoples boobs women have a different reaction to me.  There was this unintentional benefit. 
Cathy: Yeah.
Reid: Its all really to say like come on, really?  Its not the 1800s.  Do you still get men staring at your boobs and literally having a conversation with you like this?
Cathy: Ive had 15-minute conversations with people like that.
Reid: How is that even possible? Really?  Im so sorry.  On behalf of penis owners all over the planet I apologize.  I actually dont understand that, and I think there are a lot of really sweet men out there who also dont get thats the experience.
Cathy: I think our primitive brain is wired to notice certain things and cleavage is a sign that theres a fertile woman nearby.
Reid: I dont know that I actually believe in that.  I understand the opinion, and maybe Christopher Ryan, we could all argue about this.
Cathy: Yeah.
Reid: Im not saying that its not my primitive brain thats trying to get me to look at your boobs, but I would like to argue that too, but thats another video.
Cathy: I think some people arent even aware theyre doing it or theyre actually so much thinking, Dont look at her boobs, dont look at her boobs, that theyre just .
Reid: Yeah.  I went through that phase of oh my god how do I do this right?  How do I do this right?  Dont screw it up.  Dont screw it up.  Ah, I screwed it up. 
Cathy: Yeah.  Ive gotten comfortable enough, not necessarily at work with everybody, but with some people Id be like, Up here.
Reid: You actually say that?
Cathy: Yeah.
Reid: How do they react?
Cathy: Some of them get really blushed.  Some of them will giggle.  Some of them are just like, Ups, sorry.  Its not about shaming someone its just like I dont feel were really connected talking to the top of your head and after a little while it starts getting like I should go change whereas its just you know Im walking around uncomfortable.  I want to be able to be comfortable walking through the world.
Reid: I dont have a problem with people dressing slutty at all, whatever that means for them, but how do you navigate?  What would be your advice for women and dealing with those concerns for themselves?