They Made Me a Killer is a 1946 B-movie directed by William C. Thomas, and written by Daniel Mainwaring, Winston Miller and Kae Salkow, based on story by .
Stars: Robert Lowery, Barbara Britton, Lola Lane Director: William C. Thomas Writers: Daniel Mainwaring (screenplay), Winston Miller (screenplay) A young girl .
Framed by a gang of bank-robbing miscreants! With the help of June Reynolds (played by Barbara Britton), Tom must find the real criminals and prove his .
A man accused of heinous crimes gets help from the most unlikely of people. Director: William C. Thomas Cast: Robert Lowery Barbara Britton Lola Lane.
Stars: Robert Lowery, Barbara Britton, Lola Lane Director: William C. Thomas Writers: Daniel Mainwaring (screenplay), Winston Miller (screenplay) A young girl .
Framed by a gang of bank-robbing miscreants! With the help of June Reynolds (played by Barbara Britton), Tom must find the real criminals and prove his .
A man accused of heinous crimes gets help from the most unlikely of people. Director: William C. Thomas Cast: Robert Lowery Barbara Britton Lola Lane.
Short film