
  • 17 years ago
The Coalition Against Testing has been ignored on this issue since 1996. The same offset credit program is being used with the E-Check Auto testing program, and only of late has the national media caught on to the debacle of offset credits. Cars are being tested and generating the same credit value for each car tested. No matter if a car passes or fails the test it generates the same credit amount. The pollution reduction is completely un-even. Planting a tree in Florida does nothing to clean the air in Northern Ohio. Our air gets dirty while business is permitted to buy their way out of reducing their pollution output. The sad point is that many of these businesses don't even realize the credit program only makes our air dirtier. No one will listen to the public, but now that the main stream media has blown the lid off this debacle, maybe something will get done. I doubt it because multi millions of dollars are being made by fooling the un-informed.