Sergey Poberezhny - Technology Specialist

  • 17 years ago
Sergey Poberezhny, as you can see, has a very long last name. That must mean one thing: he is foreign. For those of you who guessed that, give yourself a star. Sergey was born in Sevastopol, Ukraine. A place so small and unknown that he would just tell people he was born in Moscow to make things easier. He left Ukraine when he was 4 years old to travel across Europe. His parents joined him on his adventure. A wrong bus ride in Switzerland caught him by surprise because in 1989 he arrived in New York City.

Sergey didn't know it at the time, but it seemed as if fate was bringing him closer and closer to PRS. He did not start off at the University Park, but instead he chose another campus: Penn State Erie, a campus that was smaller and further away. Spending his time with a variety of activities - hiking, volunteering at a historical society, crashing frat parties, he never imagined getting interested in the paranormal. After several nights of watching shows about the subject, he took it upon himself to find out if the paranormal existed. Getting into his '94 Sentra at midnight, he ended up driving around Erie, looking for ghosts and taking photos. While he did get some amazing photos, he did not get any ghosts.

He put the paranormal behind him until he arrived in University Park. Transferring from another campus meant he had to start fresh in finding friends. After looking through the organizations the main campus had to offer, he found three that he joined: Finance Club, Billiards Club, and Paranormal Research Society. That year, Sergey was still a member in but one of those three clubs.

PRS has had a huge impact on Sergey's life and he hopes it will continue to do so. Outside of PRS, you can find Sergey practicing the art of photography, hiking... doing what all regular people do.
