• 9 years ago
《我的少女时代》(Our Times)
在那个电脑还用磁盘片、网络还在调制解调器、还会相信人头鱼和幽灵船的1990年代。林真心(宋芸桦 饰),一个平凡的高中女生,喜欢上全校最受欢迎的男神欧阳非凡(李玉玺 饰)。某天在学校时发现收到了一封幸运信,却也因此意外的认识徐太宇(王大陆 饰)。而因为一次去清扫泳池时,不小心听到心上人欧阳非凡和校花陶敏敏(简廷芮 饰)的秘密;在喜欢陶敏敏的流氓学生徐太宇的胁迫下,两人组成“失恋阵线联盟”,誓言拆散这对恋人,帮助彼此倒追心上人。

The movie takes us on a 20 year journey through through the life of the main character, Truly Lin. Seen mostly as a flashback to how her life wound up where it is, we follow Truly back to her senior high school year and watch as she teams up with TaiYu to break apart growing love between rivals Ouyang and Minmin. Through the course of the next year we watch all 4 teens mature, and in the end, nothing is as originally desired even though Truly and Taiyu wind up with whom they initially wanted.
