• 9 years ago
Yoga is a form of exercise that helps to keep the body fit, the mind active and is the most effective natural cure for problems like asthma.

Let us see how yoga helps to cure asthma and other such breathing difficulties. Asthma is a lung disease of the chronic kind and narrows the air tract. The yoga exercises help to protect the airway and relieve you of all such kinds of problems associated with asthma.

Asthma affects people irrespective age and the main cause is said to be pollution. Yoga helps to eliminate one of all kind of problems arising due t pollution.

Technique :

Deep breathing exercise: These benefit the entire system as it is energized.

Stand with the hands in front and these should be parallel to the shoulders.
keep the palms folded in a Namaskar pose.
Inhale and spread the hands and let the chest expand.
Exhale and bring the hands back to previous position.
This is done for around 10 times.

Intercostals Breathing :

Stand straight and keep the right hand on either side of the ribs and the left hand on the side f the side of the ribs.
The fingers are placed on the intercostals space.
Inhale deeply and the exhale and do this for ten times.

These help in breathing and aid when normal breathing is not possible.

Abdominal Breathing :

Stand straight keeping the palms on the belly button and with the right palm over the left.
Inhale deeply and the abdomen should be out and this is done ten times.

This exercise is good for falling asleep for all those who have trouble with insomnia.

You also have other yoga exercises and breathing forms, which ensure that you have a healthy mind body and soul. These help to maintain a good healthy and easy lifestyle.
