Netflix is re-encoding its entire library to save data

  • 9 years ago
Netflix is intelligently re-encoding its entire catalog in an attempt to cut data usage by 20 percent, Variety reports.
It began the project in 2011 and has worked with university researchers to automate the process.
A simple animated show like My Little Pony doesn't require nearly the same amount of data to stream in HD as a visually complex movie like The Avengers, but under Netflix's original system, the former required as much data as the latter.
Netflix engineers realized that it could optimize its data usage by re-encoding each piece of content in its library, a herculean effort.
Additionally, Variety notes that Netflix is aiming to soon launch in developing markets, where it will need to focus on slower internet connection speeds and much higher mobile usage.
Re-encoding its entire catalog seems certifiably insane on the surface, but Netflix has many compelling reasons to undergo the effort.