Le restaurant Chou, c’est avant tout un chef hors du commun, Dominique Aubry, qui composera votre assiette en fonction de son inspiration du moment, tout en portant une attention particulière à la qualité des matières premières utilisées. La cuisine est ouverte et Dominique passe de la salle aux fourneaux, créant ainsi une proximité unique avec ses convives. Mais ce n’est pas tout, le restaurant jouit également d’une décoration surprenante, avec entre autre un plancher transparent qui offre une vue sur un cellier d’anthologie. Bref, une adresse à découvrir absolument !
The restaurant Chou is above all an exceptional chef, Dominique Aubry, who will compose your plate according to his inspiration, while paying a detailed attention to the quality of the raw materials used. The restaurant has an opened kitchen, and Dominique passes from the dining room to the stove creating a unique proximity with his guests. Chou also enjoys a surprising decoration, with amongst other things a transparent floor which offers a sight on a storeroom of anthology. In short, an address to be discovered absolutely!
The restaurant Chou is above all an exceptional chef, Dominique Aubry, who will compose your plate according to his inspiration, while paying a detailed attention to the quality of the raw materials used. The restaurant has an opened kitchen, and Dominique passes from the dining room to the stove creating a unique proximity with his guests. Chou also enjoys a surprising decoration, with amongst other things a transparent floor which offers a sight on a storeroom of anthology. In short, an address to be discovered absolutely!