Dhuna ndaj bluzave te bardha - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme


by VizionPlusAlbania

Vetem gjate tre viteve te fundit 13 mjeke e infermiere jane dhunuar nga paciente apo te aferm te tyre. Rasti me i fundit eshte ai i ndihmes mjekut Ruzhdi Merja ne QSUT, i cili u godit me karrige nga nje pacient qe nuk arriti te bente thermimin e gureve ne veshka, nga mungesa e dritave. Sipas Urdhrit te Infermiereve kjo dhune po gjenerohet si pasoje e nxitjes se publikut me deklarata per korrupsion ne shëndetësi edhe nga vete politikanet. Megjithatë, dhuna ndaj mjekeve ka edhe faktore te tjere qe lidhen qe me funksionimin e sistemit e deri tek cilesia e shërbimit qe marrin pacientet ne spitalet shtetërore. Edhe vete mjeket nuk përjashtojnë rastet e korrupsionit mes tyre, megjithatë ata kërkojnë qe pacientet te mos bejne vetëgjyqësi, por te denoncojnë kedo qe u kërkon ryshfet. Por edhe kjo hallke ngre nje tjeter pikëpyetje, ate te efikasitetit per marrjen e masave.

Only during the last three years 13 doctors and nurses are abused by patients or their relatives. The most recent case is that of physician assistance Ruzhdi Merja we QSUT, who was hit with a chair by a patient that failed to make a pestle of kidney stones, the lack of lights. According to the Order of Nurses that violence is generated as a result of the promotion of the public with claims of corruption in the health sector also by the politicians. However, violence against doctors there are also other factors related to the operation of the system, to the quality of service you receive patients in state hospitals. Even the doctors do not exclude cases of corruption among them, however they require that patients do not self-judgment, but to denounce anyone who asks for bribes. But also this link raises another question, that of efficiency measures.