Kriza prek edhe festat e fundvitit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme


by VizionPlusAlbania

Ndersa ne te gjithe boten zbukurimet per festat e fundvitit kane dite qe jane perfunduar Shqipëria ofron nje tjeter realitet.
Kryeqyteti tani ka nisur nga vendosja e pemes se krishtlindjeve dhe vendosja e dekorit te festave. Ndersa ne rrethe kriza e pushtetit vendor ka prekur edhe festimet. Per here te pare ne Korçe nuk do te vendoset pema tradicionale e krishtlindjeve. Mungesa e fondeve te bashkise ka bere qe edhe dekorin e qytetit ta marre persiper biznesi qytetas. Ndersa sa per pemen ajo do te zëvendësohet me nje me modeste dhe artificiale. Nderkohe banoret e Korçës pohojne se tradita e qytetit nuk duhet prishur. Qytetet e tjera te vendit nuk kane nisur ende te mendojme per zbukurimet e festave, edhe per shkak te krizes ekonomike qe ka perfshire vendoret.

As the worldwide decoration for the holidays have days that are completed Albania offers another reality.
Capital now has initiated the establishment of Christmas tree and holiday décor placement. While the district local government crisis has affected the festivities. For the first time in Korce will not put traditional Christmas tree. The lack of municipal funds has led to the decoration of the city to take over civic business. As for the tree it will be replaced with an artificial modest. While residents of Korca city claim that tradition should not be broken. Other cities in the country have not yet begun to think of holiday decorations, due to the economic crisis that has included locals.