He said, Im gonna shoot you. I says, Go ahead and shoot me, Dickins said. Gerri Dickens was able to call for help using a medical alert system Quick .\r
Gun-toting bank robber didnt think anything of the old lady at the ATM machine when he made his raid but now her daring confrontation has given police a clear .\r
July 12, 2015 Breaking, hostage situation at Grand Forks Wal-Mart approximately 100 people evacuated from Grand Forks, ND, Walmart amid reports of gunman .
Gun-toting bank robber didnt think anything of the old lady at the ATM machine when he made his raid but now her daring confrontation has given police a clear .\r
July 12, 2015 Breaking, hostage situation at Grand Forks Wal-Mart approximately 100 people evacuated from Grand Forks, ND, Walmart amid reports of gunman .
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