Digra coverage - Dan Pinchbeck on game research&design

  • 17 jaar geleden
The poster presentations at the Digra conference were downright underestimated by the attendents. But a mere handful of people actually took the interest to have a look and experience the hidden booty that was there. One person who faithfully stood next to his poster was Dan Pinchbeck from the University of Portsmouth. He had quite an interesting thing to present. Here's an excerpt:

"In early 2007, we were awarded a speculative research grant to investigate the use of first-person gaming platforms for experimental narrative projects. A small development studio has been established and has produced a completed single-user experience, based upon the Source engine. A second experimental single-player experience is at beta stage, and a third is planned. The completed mod embeds extensive, randomised narrative fragments in audio triggers throughout a bespoke environment. supllemented by abstract visual and audio media assets. [...] The second mod subverts traditional squad-based paly by using custom fixed-state AI expansion of existing Half Life 2 agents to create an experience where the player becomaes leader of a helpless squad with discernible individual characteristics in a hostile environment. Although it is not envisaged that this will be completed at the time of presentation, a proof-of-concept demo will be on display. Finally, footage and information of an additional, multiplayer game developed to test mod concepts and already in the public domain will be displayed"

What the excerpt doesn't tell you, is how awesome the 'Antlion Soccer' mod is. Long life video cameras!
