Mumbai man gets air hose up the anus after argument over mutton

  • 9 years ago
MUMBAI, INDIA — A car washer in Mumbai was killed after a co-worker inserted a high-pressure air hose into his anus, in what police allege was a prank gone wrong, but what others believe is a hate crime.

International Business Times reports that the two men, who both worked for a Toyota Service Center in the Cotton Green suburb of Mumbai, were heard arguing over the practice of animal sacrifice, with suspect Santosh Aherkar telling the victim, Yakub Shaikh, "You had mutton, we will take out your mutton now."

Shaikh was likely pinned down and the hose inserted into his anus, pumping about 140 pounds per inch of air pressure into his body and causing it to bloat and swell like a balloon. A post-mortem conducted later identified the cause of death as respiratory failure due to pulmonary air embolism. The death was ruled as unnatural, with the pressure causing his scrotal sac, thoracic and abdominal cavities, including the small and large intestines, to bloat and likely burst, killing him in seconds, according to

Shaikh's family has stated that they were met by Toyota employees at the hospital, who initially said he died of a heart attack and was brought in dead. When they finally saw the body, every part was swollen like a balloon and the dead man's eyes were bulging unnaturally.

The family suspect more than one person was involved in the killing, and that the company and the police are attempting to cover up the crime, reports the Indian Express.


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