"The Paranormal Zone" is a reality-based-documentary TV series focusing on the factual and spiritual investigation of paranormal activities led by the dynamic Li Kim. Season 1 of the show reached 3.4 million viewers in Malaysia. And in Season 2, Li Kim takes you on a mystical adventure to mysterious nation Thailand. Now, the amazing seasons 1, 2 and the upcoming season 3 will air on Syfy Asia! Stay tuned as Li Kim crosses boundaries and nations to bring you the seen and unseen.
Now, the amazing seasons 1, 2 and the upcoming season 3 will air on Syfy Asia! Stay tuned as Li Kim crosses boundaries and nations to bring you the seen and unseen.
"TPZChat" is a continuation web video series in which Li Kim explores the unknown, mysterious and spiritual in a raw, undefined and unconventional way.
What we see may not be real, what is real we may not see!
Now, the amazing seasons 1, 2 and the upcoming season 3 will air on Syfy Asia! Stay tuned as Li Kim crosses boundaries and nations to bring you the seen and unseen.
"TPZChat" is a continuation web video series in which Li Kim explores the unknown, mysterious and spiritual in a raw, undefined and unconventional way.
What we see may not be real, what is real we may not see!