Ironman athlete profile: Timo Bracht

  • 9 years ago
We meet up with Timo Bracht, former twice European Ironman champion and one of the most successful German Ironman athletes of the last decade. Having combined being a family father and a successful athlete for 13 years, Bracht has not only become an integral initiator and member of Team ‘Sport For Good’, but also a mentor to a lot of amateur athletes and very talented young athletes like his teammate Julian Beuchert. In this clip we visit Bracht in his home town of Eberbach, where he takes us on a family kayak trip and training swim in the Neckar river. We also join him during training sessions with Julian Beuchert and at the Ironman 70.3 in Ruegen, Germany. Short interviews with his wife Bettina, his son Andre and also with Julian Beuchert round off this clip.