Mission Impossible: Babies Escape

  • 9 years ago
First off, i do not own any of the videos montaged here, these are videos by other youtubers that i mushed together into one video, please refer below to the original videos and their respective channels.++++++Second, i made this video when i was looking at one of the baby escape vids and sampled it with the Mission Impossible theme and got inspired and when i get inspired i make a video. lastly this video is done for fun, for people to enjoy life and just have a laugh! we were all kids once and maybe we all tried to escape our cribs too! haha++++++video 1: www.youtube.com++++++Channel: www.youtube.com++++++video 2: www.youtube.com++++++channel: www.youtube.com++++++video 3: www.youtube.com++++++channel: www.youtube.com++++++video 4: www.youtube.com++++++channel: www.youtube.com++++++video 5: www.youtube.com++++++channel: www.youtube.com++++++video 6: www.youtube.com++++++channel: www.youtube.com++++++Title song: Sungha Jung++++++www.youtube.com++++++Video song: www.youtube.com
