• il y a 10 ans
Original video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmhMG6LP56o

In this episode of Murder Adam and the gang find this as the perfect opportunity to start job interviewing.
More Gmod - http://bit.ly/1e3AXb0

Jin - http://youtube.com/JinBopGaming
Ross - http://youtube.com/RagingHouse
Barney - http://youtube.com/ThatGuyBarney

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Hey guys! Thanks for joining SkyDoesMinecraft, JinBopGaming, ThatGuyBarney and RagingHouse AKA WeenieButt for Gary’s Mod Murder 8! First of all, thanks so much for supporting SkyVSGaming and the GMod series! If you’d like to see more Gary’s Mod Murder, just make sure to slap that like button and comment down below! SkyDoesMinecraft, JinBopGaming, RagingHouse and ThatGuyBarney must try to figure out who the murder is! Any guesses? So far, a lot of weapons are scattered around on the floor! Ok, ThatGuyBarney comes up with some significant choices for SkyDoesMinecraft, one which involves throwing a knife! And that’s kind of what SkyDoesMinecraft does! I’m guessing ThatGuyBarney won’t be asking many more questions that involve throwing a knife! The next round finds RagingHouse saving SkyDoesMinecraft from an attacking watermelon! Stranger things have happened, right?
Finally, the moment of truth and we find the murder! But with all of the screaming and insane laughter, not to mention the fabulously romantic dim lighting, wait, what? Bottom line, it’s difficult to say who the bystanders are and who the murder is! When the pandemonium quiets down it’s discovered that JinBopGaming has a gun! And down goes RagingHouse AKA WeenieButt. So who is the mystery murder now, you might ask? We could say his name rimes with Spy Bugs Wine Cats! So, we won’t! Anyway, SkyDoesMinecraft encourages everyone to come together in the same room because, safety in numbers is a good thing, right? Um, shall we just go on to the next round?...
