• 18 years ago
Animal experimentation: cruel and unnecessary

Many animals are used in scientific and medical research. They often undergo cruel methods of testing and suffer greatly as a result. Animal experimentation is both cruel and unnecessary and humans have no right to put innocent animals through such torture. Scientists often don't benefit from testing on animals as they are so different from us and react differently to drugs. Results obtained from experimenting on animals are unreliable.

Companies That Don't Test on Animals : http://www.caringconsumer.com/pdfs/companiesDontTest.pdf

Companies That Do Test on Animals : http://www.caringconsumer.com/pdfs/companiesDoTest.pdf

produits testés sur les animaux: http://www.massacreanimal.org/doc_fr/tested.doc

produits NON testés sur les animaux:

infos en français: http://www.experimentation-animale.org/etat_des_lieux/presentation.html

mythes et réalités: http://www.stopvivisection.info/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=4


