From November of 1994, here is some camera footage I shot inside COMDEX, at one time the largest computer show in the world. It's fun to look back and see where computer technology was so many years ago!! The last COMDEX was in 2003. This is part 1 of 3.From November of 1994, here is some camera footage I shot inside COMDEX, at one time the largest computer show in the world. It's fun to look back and see ...
Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at: ...
I attended Comdex in 1997 and took my new camcorder with me. Here's a bunch of shaky-cam footage I shot on the show room floor. Lots of new (then) video ...
From August of 1994, here is some footage I shot of the Las Vegas strip, and the hotels and casinos. Shot with a Sony V-5000 Hi-8 camcorder. This is part 2 of 3.
Vídeo amador gravado na feira de informática COMDEX 1996 em São Paulo/SP. Registro histórico de quando os monitores de tubo de raios catódicos ainda ...
Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at: ...
I attended Comdex in 1997 and took my new camcorder with me. Here's a bunch of shaky-cam footage I shot on the show room floor. Lots of new (then) video ...
From August of 1994, here is some footage I shot of the Las Vegas strip, and the hotels and casinos. Shot with a Sony V-5000 Hi-8 camcorder. This is part 2 of 3.
Vídeo amador gravado na feira de informática COMDEX 1996 em São Paulo/SP. Registro histórico de quando os monitores de tubo de raios catódicos ainda ...