Here is the original "Mother Nature" Chiffon commercial from the 70s, followed by the take-off that WJW-TV did on it, as a promo for their City Camera News. Taped in 1976.Here's a commercial for Chiffon Soft Stick Margarine - one of the memorable ads with "Mother Nature" uttering her famous line, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature ...
Chiffon Margerine It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature.
"If it tastes like butter, but it's not - it's Chiffon." Chiffon margarine commercial featuring Mother Nature (portrayed by actress Dena Dietrich). Spot aired in ...
Here is the original "Mother Nature" Chiffon commercial from the 70s, followed by the take-off that WJW-TV did on it, as a promo for their City Camera News.
Here is a take-off of a classic "Mother Nature" Chiffon commercial, that WJW-TV did on it, as a promo for their City Camera News. Taped in 1976.
Chiffon Margerine It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature.
"If it tastes like butter, but it's not - it's Chiffon." Chiffon margarine commercial featuring Mother Nature (portrayed by actress Dena Dietrich). Spot aired in ...
Here is the original "Mother Nature" Chiffon commercial from the 70s, followed by the take-off that WJW-TV did on it, as a promo for their City Camera News.
Here is a take-off of a classic "Mother Nature" Chiffon commercial, that WJW-TV did on it, as a promo for their City Camera News. Taped in 1976.