Paula White Interview - Part 1

  • 17 years ago
As Pastor of the 22,000 member mega-church, Without Walls International, Paula White qualifies as a genuine Bay Area celebrity. Her personal story of abuse, poverty, redemption and riches inspire her local congregation and the millions who watch her television ministry around the world. That's why White's recently announced separation with husband and co-Pastor, Randy White made big news. It also revived concerns about the million dollar homes, luxury cars and other trappings of wealth both Paula and Randy display so openly.

Brendan McLaughlin from ABC affiliate Channel 28 invited her to come on his program "Flashpoint" which airs on sunday mornings in Tampa, Florida. There were specific questions asked to Paula which she didn't directly answer. Some of those questions were:

How did you come to have such a large and loyal following among African Americans?

Why do you live like a rock star?

Why won't you reveal how much money you and Randy White take from the church?

Does the end of your marriage with Randy White call into question your commitment to Biblical teachings?

She was there to promote her book "You're All That!" and after a few minutes of babble Brendan McLaughlin asked her specifically about her financial earnings, the separation, also the rich lifestyle she lives. Paula had the ordacity to compare her job with Brendan's. What she failed to understand is that Brendan is in the news business NOT the religious business.

Throughout the whole interview she skirted the issues completely and really came off as a woman who was hiding truth. She has been linked to another pastor in San Antonio in an alleged "affair". This of course was not asked but when the issue of divorce came up she basically said that her and Randy, her soon to be ex husband are still "friends" and they will continue to preach the Word of Christ.

Watch the video yourself and see what you think.
