Reactions: │ Steven Universe: When It Rains (Episode 71)

  • 9 years ago
My Summary/Thoughts:
■ @3:37 "Its pounding on the Earth from the inside."
■ @3:54 "I don't know anything without my screen." *Looks at phone to Google things all the time*
■ @4:42 As small as this moment might seem, the animation is quite nice and really brings out some emotion.
■ @5:15 BTW, it seems like Peridot's hair is starting to split on the corners. What's happening to my Dorito!?
■ @7:08 "You're some kind of Quartz, right?" The only adds weight to the theory that there are groups of the same Gem. I'm not totally sold on whether or not they all have the same appearance.
■ @7:42 OK. So Homeworld gave up on using Earth as a colony and decided to use it as a nesting ground for fusion experiments. But this begs the question, why is Homeworld so OBSESSED with fusion?
■ @7:53 "But I read over a few hundred years of reports!" Wait, wait a minute! That would mean that Homeworld had continued to someone sneak back to Earth (or remotely) control the experiments for the last few centuries. The war had already been long over with, so exactly what does this mean?
■ @8:13 Here we can see Peridot is far weaker than Steven in terms of her physical form. Without the help of her enhancers, she can't seem to do much.
■ @8:57 , @11:17 "These are the early attempts at artificial fusion." So that would mean that the fusion experiments could have been here since the war and the Cluster only came into picture the past couple hundred years.
■ @9:07 , @9:13 , @9:21 "A single fusion comprised of millions of Gem shards." Even if we took the Gems from the war, that's still A LOT of Gems. Where else could Homeworld get that many Gems? My thought is that the Kindergarten wasn't JUST for making Gems to fight in the war, but to make Gems SOLELY for the purpose of being destroyed to be used again in the Cluster. Or maybe just the second thing...
■ @9:13 So because Keystone State is a nickname for Pennsylvania, we do know Beach City is on the East Coast and that the Gem size of the Cluster almost covers THE ENTIRE THING! Keep in mind that is ONLY THE GEM of the Cluster on the screen, so once it "emerges", it will rip the Earth apart in the process! Also, the season finale episode is called, “Last One Out of Beach City”. Does this mean we are going to leave Earth? MAYBE WE’LL SEE HOMEWORLD!?

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