• il y a 10 ans
Directed by : Robert Guédiguian
Produced by : Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 2 h 14 min
French release: 11/11/2015
Production year: 2014

Berlin 1921. Talaat Pacha, the main person behind the Armenian genocide, is killed in the street by Soghomon Thelirian, whose entire family has been exterminated. During his trial, his account of the first genocide of the twentieth century leads to him being acquitted by a people's jury.

Sixty years later, Aram, a young man of Armenian descent born in Marseille, blows up the Turkish ambassador's car in Paris. Gilles Tessier, a young cyclist who happened to be passing by, is seriously injured.

Aram, on the run, joins the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia in Beirut, the centre of international revolution in the 1980s. With his comrades, young Armenians from around the world, he believes in the need to resort to armed struggle so that the genocide is acknowledged and the land of their grandparents is returned to them. 

Left without the use of his legs after the explosion, Gilles' life is in ruins. He was even unaware that Armenia existed when Anouch, Aram's mother, suddenly bursts into his room in the hospital. She has come to ask his forgiveness on behalf of the Armenian people and confesses that it was her own son who planted the bomb.

While Gilles, in Paris, tries to understand, Anouche is driven crazy [...]

More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/37905/don-t-tell-me-the-boy-was-mad
