Human evolution

  • il y a 17 ans
Life and intelligence must never stagnate; it must re-order, transform and transcend its limits in an unlimited progressive process. Our goal is the exuberant and dynamic continuation of this unlimited process... - Max More People are so tuned in to the near term that they aren't thinking in terms of decades. Yet, over the long run, we have a chance of fundamentally changing humanity. Many people sense this, but don't want to think about it because the change is too profound. - Daniel HillisOn any world the wind eventually wears away the stone, because the stone can only crumble; the wind can change. -SpockBut while change is painful, it's necessary too. Without it, without turbulence and decay and unity in variety, there's no rebirth, and life stagnates and dies. We fear change, but perhaps we should fear lack of change more, because the ultimate lack of change is death. It's change itself that brings meaning and richness to life. - Gregory J. E. Rawlins Discuss. Connect. Inspire. Evolve - Thoughtware.TV<a href="">">