Corporate rejuvenation through technological spin-outs (SKEMA Business School, 13/11/15, Paris La Défense)

  • il y a 9 ans
22ème petit déjeuner-débat à Paris du Cycle Innovation & Connaissance proposé par SKEMA Business School

Bruno CIRILLO, Assistant Professor, SKEMA Business School
Vincent BRYANT, Co-founder, Deepki

Animatrice :
Valérie BLANCHOT COURTOIS, Professeure affiliée SKEMA Business School

Corporate spinouts, or new ventures founded by employees with the support of an originating organization, are mechanisms for dealing with products and technologies that do not fit with the parent organization’s core strategy.
The market capitalization of spinout ventures reflects not only the potential that resided in their products, but also the importance of developing processes to create new markets for that products. In so doing, spinouts help enrich their parent knowledge about new technology and market opportunities. When properly managed, they can be used as long-term options on new markets.
Best practices and managerial implications in the management of spinouts will be discussed, with particular emphasis on the organizational arrangements that may help (1) spinout organizations maximize value creation in their product/market attempts and (2) parent organizations appropriate value potentially created by their spinout firms, as well as the factors that influence this process.
Vincent Bryant, co-founder of Deepki, spin-out of Engie, will then give a testimonial.
