Wordpress Free Page Builder (WYSWYG Visual Editor)

  • hace 9 años
Since discovering this Wordpress plugin'm delighted and saving a lot of time creating my articles, in fact, they have a much more professional appearance.

Discover Thrive Content Builder, best wordpress visual editor that lets you create your articles with professional-looking saving lots of time watching inserting elements is at all times because it editarás on the same screen that then will your readers.

WHAT YOU GET This Editor for Wordpress?

The visual editor Thrive Wordpress Content Builder lets you insert many elements easily and with predesigned layouts. Among them you can insert:

- Testimonies.
- Tables price.
- Normal tables with any type of content.
- Blocks of text with special designs already created.
- Columns with content.
- and much more.

It is certainly the best editor I've discovered plugin in wordpress long time.

I hope you find interesting video, and I'd like to know your opinion about Thrive Content Builder.

this is link : http://tinyurl.com/qcr2suc
