• 9 yıl önce
President Barack Obama Announces Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki Resigns
President Barack Obama Announces Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki Resigns
President Barack Obama Announces Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki Resigns

President Barack Obama has summoned Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki to the White House for a discussion of mounting problems within the health care system for the nation's military veterans. The meeting was to occur later Friday. Obama described his thinking in a nationally broadcast interview which aired Friday morning, saying he wanted to have a "serious conversation" with the retired Army general about whether he should remain in the job. Obama said he planned to ask Shinseki whether he was "prepared and has the capacity" to fix sweeping problems in the VA's nationwide health care system. The president said he doesn't want any veteran to not be getting the kind of services they deserve.President Barack Obama announced the resignation Friday of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki, because of widespread problems ...

U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned on Friday after a political firestorm over widespread delays in veterans' medical care, leaving President ...

Jim Carney Press Secretary Resigns | Eric Shinseki Resigns - Obama Double Day. Jay Carney is stepping down as White House press secretary, President ...

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has resigned, President Barack Obama said on Friday. Obama said he would demand accountability if problems were ...

On Friday, shortly after President Barack Obama announced the resignation of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki, CNN's Brooke Baldwin ...
